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RE: Grow Summer Cilantro: Best Method, Quick Results [Gardening]

in #gardening5 years ago

I absolutely suck at growing cilantro. End up killing it every time!

It's def something I want to learn to grow as I can't have my homemade salsa without it.

Still have one plant but it's rather sad right now. Gonna read through your post and see if anything occurs to me so I can help it out.

My sad cilantro plant.


That looks like my attempt last year. What are the bluish things on top?

I think the key to the method that works best is to use an ultra nutritious, soft soil to start the seeds in. Almost so nutritious that it would burn the roots of other plants.

Crushing the seed hulls and using soft soil probably helps the seeds grow fast enough so they don't rot while trapped inside the wet, buried hulls.

Good luck!

I chunked a handful of burnt wood from a firepit I had to get rid of the day prior. Figured it would add some nutrients.

I also have a liquid fertilizer I use but probably could be a bit more generous. Thanks for the tips