Could it be that gardens are good for the soul?

in #garden8 years ago

Gardening has always been a popular past-time and its allure is not diminishing even in this computer age. Have you ever wondered why gardening has such an apparent universal appeal?Gardening and tending the land has been an important part of daily life since time began. Many religions have a symbolic garden which is a Utopia, an ideal place. Just about every major building and palace throughout the world is surrounded by gardens.

Gardens can of course be functional. They are used to grow food and to store all the material possessions for which we have no room in our homes. However, many gardeners do not grow edible plants, preferring instead to nurture exotic specimens in their garden space.

Gardening is a comtemplative activity. It is quiet, peaceful and satisfying. It brings the gardener back into touch with nature; with the ground from which life emerges.

Being able to play even a small part in the natural world is a gardener's way of returning to earlier, simpler times. Gardens are wonderful places of escape from the rush and dash of everyday life; they are meditative places and can represent an oasis of calm and tranquility in what is otherwise a mad world.

Whatever your reason for tending your garden it is great exercise! If you are growing your own food you do so in the knowledge that no harmful chemicals have been used making it even healthier for you.

Gardening provides food for the soul as well as for the body. It can quite literally feed the soul in a way few other things do. Take your worries and fears to the garden and watch them dissipate as you potter.

There is no doubt in my mind, gardening is good for the soul.