SPUDS! Not Even Half Way Done With Harvest!

in #garden8 years ago

Ok ok, so you homesteaders and gardeners with acres of land to work with may find this totally unimpressive, but working on our 1/3 acre that is taken mostly up by our house, ex dance and martial arts studio, 1200 sqf shop, firewood storage, dump truck and backhoe and other trucks and cars, plus our chicken's coop and run, I think we are doing pretty decent with our food growing.


I am guessing the weight of the potatoes that we currently have dug to be about 60 lbs, so with much more to dig, we should easily get at least 100 - 120 lbs.

I have been digging up several that are this size which I also think is pretty dandy considering these are organically grown yellow Finns and Yukons that just do not get the size of the Russets. Notice how bug free they are and all I do is a bit of companion planting/food foresting to keep the pests away.


I suppose it is not very fair since I have kid sized hands, but hey, you get the idea :D

Since I still have the rest of the back yard potato patch and all of the front ones to dig, I am thinking I may end up canning some of them this year after all. I have yet to open a jar of last year's home canned potatoes and I have several jars from 2013!!

I know I already shared a photo of last year's canned potatoes but I thought they turned out rather pretty so I simply must share again.

Potatoes 2016.JPG

Believe it or not, I do have plenty more yard area to transform into food growing space and like I do each year, I will be expanding that late this fall or early in the spring. Depends on when the heavy rains return.

Hope you are all having a gorgeous and productive day! Now I must go do more gardening and chores, work on a skirt order, then off to a friend's to pick up some raw goat milk she so generously shares with us ~ Heidi

Email: raincountryhomestead@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RainCountryHomestead/ Hand Crafted Goods: https://www.facebook.com/heidiscrochetedart/



Impressive harvest there. Never thought of canning the potatoes. We usually parboil and freeze ours, but want to try dehydrating some soon as well.

We've been living on volunteer potatoes so far, about to start on the main crop next week.

WOW! those are some big taters!
Great harvest!

Wow Heidi, that is impressive! What plants do you grow with them? God is smiling down on you and you tiny garden!

I have orange mint, borage, garlic, and radicchio. Plus on either side of the patch I have growing beans and squash :)

That's a great haul! We don't often get to see all the different sizes when they're just unearthed.

I didn't know your can store potatoes like that for a long period of time. How long do you store yours and I assume they sit in a pantry?

Yes, I store mine in a pantry, as long as you keep them cool and dark they can last for quite awhile but a root cellar is best as they can last all year. They won't last that long in my pantry so it is looking like I may be canning some

Heidi, I envy those potatoes. They look so tasty. Do you need a pressure canner to do potatoes?
I grew up with potatoes in the basement, but it was cold and dry. We don't have a basement here and most houses don't either, so I will have to look into other ways of storing potatoes once we can grow some.

Yeah, we don't have a basement either, that is why I may have to can some of them. Yes, you need to pressure can them.

Potatoes are at the top of the list of things that I want to try growing as soon as can get a little more space. Thanks for the entertaining read!