He’s got his hellebore on the west side of his house but I never saw them bloom, just what he told me. (Yours should be blooming coming up soon!) I got fruit trees in the month I moved in as a birthday present! But I have no clue when and how to prune them. I’ve been reading a bunch about it but am super nervous. Can’t wait to see all your posts about what your getting and planting and growing!
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@bobydimitrov is VERY knowledgeable about pruning trees. I don't know much at all. He's often on the homesteaders discord: https://discordapp.com/channels/498566252864995348/550358678461743104
and has posted several times about pruning trees. If you can get onto this group, you could pick his brain, I bet.
Thank for tagging me! If advice it's needed with tree and fruit shrubs pruning and maintainece, let me know! I can help via comment, if discord is not to your liking!
Awesome! First question is in Colorado Zone 5 when should i prune? Ive got apple, peach, plum, nectarine, and cherry and my nosy neighbor stopped me from pruning the apple the other day because she said it was way to early... not that she has any fruit trees.
We usually don't prune our garden before the end of February and even then we consult the 2 week forecast. The main idea is to not have very cold nights in the coming weeks. -5C is not a huge problem now and then, but if there is a sustained -10C for weeks, better delay the pruning.
Your zone 5 seems similar to where we are, but in any case, local weather is more important than zones. Observe and interact 😉
Also, be prepared for a regular summer pruning. The spring prune is usually for large modifications of the shade and character of the tree. It's generally a mistake to make a snip-snip-snip micro pruning in spring, because that will lead to a very dense tree in just a few months. So in spring it's about removing larger branches or parts of the tree to stimulate new growth. In summer is about fine tuning.
Wow ok, I’ll most certainly be having some -10C or worse nights for at least the next couple weeks. I’ll hold off. Thanks for the tips! That’s a ton of info to sift through and take in!