Decent little week of mixed rain and sun-filled days. It has really allowed things to try and even out to the point now where I have been watering some of the more thirsty plants! Ah, the rain when it’s not trying to flood everything it’s just not quite enough.
This week outside I was rather lazy in regards to the garden and just getting out in general. I did not get around to planting some more seeds like I mentioned I wanted to in last week’s post. I did not even eat anything off the plants either. If I could leave these in this state for a while that be great. I just know better that this is not the case even more so with something enjoying lunch at my cost!
Starting Trays
Still not enough of a root system to transplant any of these into bigger containers. I was hoping a while ago they would just be bigger!!!! I’ve seen how fast plants can grow. These seem to really be taking their time and then some. It’s not like I’m in a rush or anything. If they are still around during the colder months I could always bring them inside. I just don’t think they will get much sunlight. It is also strange they use to be much fuller as well. Still, they seem to be hanging in there and so does my hope of success.
From what is remaining I have two Bunching Onion. I really was hoping for a thicker stock by now as such I don’t think there much in the underground either. These won’t be quite enough to make a salsa out of. So either way, I’ll have to go store bought in that regards. Perhaps next year things will go better and I can learn from this year’s mistakes.
Finally, you have three parsley. If they grow to full maturity that will at least be enough to put on some chicken as a seasoning once and that is about it. I would require at least double that amount into a salsa. I am however intrigued in giving this a taste test at some point compared to the dried store bought a container of parsley. That stuff just not that great.
This week if I get around to it. I’ve decided I would plant more parsley seeds in a different container. I have quite a few uses for that herb so just having more would be a blessing. I’ve never cooked either with it being fresh so that will be different than just shaking some dried out stuff from a container.
It could not have taken more than a day or two before I noticed what you might as well in this recent photo. I had feared the worse that perhaps this crop was rotting away from too much water or other issues. Thankfully I did not notice anything else on the remaining tomatoes. I just hope this is not a new normal where now something going after this guy.
The new water tray I put on the bottom has at least been draining things out. While it was a little moist to the touch it also had been raining a few hours before I took these photos. For now, I’ll just have to keep an extra eye on this.
It is strange tonight I’m having store bought tomato with my dinner and that just does not sit well with me. I can’t wait till I can say I grew my own and did have to pay for something slimed in chemicals where only the best looking thing was brought to the store while everything else was tossed to the curb or sold for the mass production of sauces and other things.
If it was not for the giant round hole on the other side I would be even more concerned. I’m just hoping all that damage is due to it being exposed like that to elements and all the rain we have had past couple of days. I don’t like the thought of them all being rotting on the inside. If this issue happens again I’ll have to take one off that looks fine and cut it open. There only a couple so I would rather not do that for now.
Red, Green, And Big Bertha Peppers
Just last night I noticed the first flower on the red pepper plant! With how bad of a start this one had in the first couple of weeks you would not know it by now. It seems to have recovered and grown quite well. I think I’ll leave it isolated on the other side from the others. Nothing seems to be bugging it anymore and my treatment seems to have finally paid off. Whatever was eating the leaves seems to have moved on or died off.
The green pepper plant was a week or two younger than this one. I’m hoping that means it will also get some flowers soon. Nothing else has really changed on it so no need for a photo on this one. It still has a couple of holes in the leaves but it seems to be getting much better.
Finally to round them out the one named Big Bertha. It has been doing decently as well. Little bigger than the last time you have seen it! A couple of pinholes in the leaves but least nothing major yet. I hope it stays that way. I expect big giant sweet peppers from a thing named what it is!
I wondered in this experiment if I would ever get to a point where I would have to ask myself “do I need to prune this?” I have never been much of a grower or a plant guy even. Which was the in part the point of doing this over the summer to see how things went on the scale I have chosen?
The Jalapeno is starting to grow rather wild now. I fear the container I have for it is not big enough either. I really don’t want plant it outside in the sandy soil where it will get eaten by the wildlife. I think for now I’ll just leave it be and see how it does. With that cage, I think it is asking too much to try and plant into a bigger container.
I do have plans later this week to have another and my fourth Jalapeno from this! It is the little joys in life that sometimes make it worthwhile for that day or week even. Going out and picking my own Jalapeno that I grew just has something extra special amount it. I have started to look forward to it even on very dark days.
Happy Wednesday I hope you are able to go outside and enjoy some amazing weather! I might have to take my own advice and spend some time outdoors myself. Been spending way to much time indoors in front of computer monitors.
Photos were taken by @enjar using a Photosmart M627.
This elderly lady told me a couple years back that people can't even take potatoes and use them for seedlings, she said they modified the potato so people would have to buy seedlings. I don't know if that's true or not but it also got me to wondering why I just can't seem to grow a garden anymore. At the least I get these skinny small plants that just don't flourish and often have small produce. I often think back on what she said and wonder if they really do mess with seeds/plants to prohibit or limit growth.
It is strange these days it feels like you need to buy endless products to fight off disease, bugs, and to help anything grow.
You would think natural selection would only yield us the seeds that could deal with all those things quite well. Expect that is just not the case. Everything can be grown in unnatural ways indoors with what ever chemicals are needed to keep it alive.
At least for me I've been having some success. The Jalapeno have been the same or bigger then what i can get in the store. Out of everything they have had the least amount of struggle.
Everything else it has been one thing or another. Almost weekly something not quite working out. Something new is eating at things. I could also just not have a great location to be trying to grow things and the lack of experience.
My folks had a garden when I was growing up. I never recalled them having any issues like this. Granted they where able to grow in the dirt in an area they boxes off with wooden beams in the ground. They had all kinds of crops as well.
My aunt was a huge gardener before she became to old to handle all that, she's 95 now but they had their garden inside a fenced in area to keep critters from eating their vegetables. She was all about growing stuff organic so I don't know what she did about bugs. I know when it came to Japanese beetles they hung these little bags in the trees that attracted then trapped them inside. I always remembered her telling me to never start growing green beans until late June because their was a certain bug that would attack them if you planted them earlier. I use to use that Seven's dust if something was eating my stuff but now I am even more hesitant to use that because of the lack of bees problem. So unless something is taking something right down to the ground I will use it very sparingly.
Sometimes just a tiny drop of dish soap into a Gallen bucket of water and some light washing of the leaves is enough. Other times, I have left with the thoughts "are flamethrowers legal here and where can I get one" hehe.
Seems to be so many invasive non-local species these days just causing trouble every where. Which is a shame as people should be able to grow something nice and organic if they have the time and spacefor it.
The bees are really a huge issue these days. Very sad with the populations issues they are having. I've even noticed the lack of them trying to build hives in my local area. That use to be a huge issue. Now you be luck to see one the entire year.
Hey look what I came across tonight....a article about seeds, well actually a article about some guys who feel they got sold bum seeds....but reading it made me realize that seeds do matter (that sounded a bit funny...seeds life matter, lol) Next year I am going to try and find seeds labeled certified and see if there is a difference.
You have some green fingers right there my friend. I'm envious of people who are able to grow produce. That said, other than a chilli plant I inherited at uni many years, I've never actually tried.
Maybe next spring you will pick something up and give it a try. Worse case it fails and you are out a couple of bucks and a little bit of time.
I’ve had some failures along with successes. Next year I’m hoping it will be even better.
Amazing post! I love these kinds of posts since my mother has a garden and she cultivates some vegetables, so I love the way you show it to us! Keep trying your best!
Thank, it is quite fun. You ever try growing things?
Good going brother...