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RE: Gaming Discussion - What Type Of Gamer Are You?

in #gaming7 years ago

As a kid on Playstation's 1 & 2: Hardcore Completionist, from getting those final gems/dragons/eggs in Spyro to stopping Neo-Coms from nuking Seattle in SOCOM on Commander (Or whatever the hardest difficulty was, been so long...) or just beat my friends on Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2.

After I shunned consoles as a teenager and moved to PC Gaming: Online Solo, thousands of hours going Armchair General in games like Civ IV, Shogun 2 and Hearts Of Iron III, to going full grunt in Crysis and Far Cry 2 or jumping in combat flight sims like IL-2 1946 and War Thunder when it was still fresh.

Nowadays on Playstation's 3 & 4 and my aging rig: Depends on my mood, thanks to games like Telltales: The Walking Dead, Mass Effect Trilogy and to a certain extent Stellaris, I've become a little bit Story Driven Casual since these are the 3 main games that allowed me to make decisions that will affect later events in said game or even it's sequels, granted, I feel that it could have been implemented better that they were in some spots but for a newcomer to that sort of experience, it was like a renaissance.

Oh, and I've been a Rager through and through the entire time, a few broken controllers will attest to that :)