This is talked about as the fan fiction dream. Marvel vs DC. Who would not want to see that? Maybe it would be the Hulk vs Super Man or Spider-Man vs Batman. There are so many characters that could be mixed up. It could be a movie that would sell out like crazy, a show, or a comic book. But the reality is none of those would probably happen. There is the financial aspect of it but I think a deal could be made where they split the revenue, but then the issue remains, who wins? The Marvel people will want their characters to win, the DC characters would want theirs. You could have the good guys vs the bad guys but still, how the characters interact might be contested by each side. But there is one solution that could satisfy both parties and that is a video game. The reason being people can pick their player and it is up to their skill who wins.
The first thought that comes to mind is a fighting game. There has already been cross-over series, like street fighter vs x-men, marvel vs Capcom and these involved two sets of characters that have nothing to do with each other. But they work as games as the characters for the most part, are balanced and no matter who you pick you can win, even if it is a lawyer vs she-hulk. Now the games are never 100% balanced, fighting games are notorious for having tiers that are higher than others but for the most part, a percentage of the characters can compete with each other. This way people can pick wolverine or batman, or superman or the black widow and if the player is better they would win. It would take time to get right but with enough of the roster balanced, it could make both sides happy.
But it doesn't have to be a fighting game. MOBAs are big in esports. Look at League of Legends. Imagine that style with a roster of marvel and dc characters. Your team can consist of both worlds of characters and work together to win the match. With the popularity of both franchises this could be a major popular draw in the esports world. Those are the two big game types but it could be a dungeon crawler or an MMO too. Or maybe something new.
I think this is one of the only ways you will really see the worlds collide and if it happens I would be on-board.
Would you play it? And who would win, the hulk or super-man?
A game would be a great solution, but I think of the movie... could have a outcome where both teams were joined against a common enemy. After all, both Marvel's and DC's heroes fight for justice, so they couldn't be enemies. As for a game, I think the fans of each side would be satisfied, with the ability to choose his character and skills, I would always be Dr. Strange. Ha ha. But I'd die to see a movie of these.
That is usually the go to in movies, have them be on the same team. It is a bit of a cop out but still seeing your favorites on screen together would be awesome. Thanks for the comments :).
Yeah, as you say, a game would be the best solution, because it is hard to imagine that in a comic or movie there won't be a winner. The beat'em up video game leaves the story in the background and focuses on the fight. Which can be repeated with no definite answer as to who wins.
If there was such a game, it should be a collection of the greatest heros though, because if there are other random fighters, odds are that Hulk and Superman will be overpowered. So if there was a game with about 10 Superheroes, the weaknesses and strengths could be more balanced. Like Hulk with great strength and Spiderman with great flexibility and Superman with special movements.
If there were other random fighters in the game they would not only be underpowered compared to those heroes but most would probably not use them either.
The concept reminds me somewhat of Super Smash Bros.
Yeah balancing would be a major task.
Yes, because otherwise there would be another split between superheroes. "Strong" and "weak" ones. Each hero should be capable of beating all the others, under the premise that the hero's skills are properly applied ;)
"Strong" and "weak" mores.
Pleas Follow, Upvote and Comment I'll do it now
Superman is Like 'THE LION' the king of the jungle,
I would play it, that would be pretty awesome. There are a lot of characters you can play and in Hulk vs Superman, a fighting game would be a bit more even for The Hulk and it depends on skill etc.
Good postings. Video Games are not only exciting and fun to play while releasing stress, stories and scripting in games often contain positive values and wisdom that we can take to apply in our lives. Gaming is hard to imagine that in comics or movies does not exist winner because it is played for the winners who fought with her favorite super hero.
Thanks for this @whatageek
nice game sticks .. buddy .. and success always make you friend yes. and please help me so my friend yes @whatageek
hehehhe.. of course hero ever....
@whatageek : I Love When you analize about hero Characteristic of Marvel and DC, but what must we do about their competition ? Are they care about our son because they imitated all their hero character in their brain and life ?? The House Production should be awarness because it is not only bussiness, there is a social people caracter in our environtmen. If they can't fix it, we hope they not destroy it. Thanks for sharing us. God bless you
I would love to play with it <3
Yo! Well My biggest dream is to earn by playing video games whole day.
Pleas Follow, Upvote and Comment I'll do it now
I will use Spider-Man to beat them up! xD
Games are nice distractions that helps clear the mind
Concuerdo con mucho de ustedes,sobre todo que debe haber un equilibrio para no dividir entre fuertes y debiles cada superheroe tiene habilidades diferente para vencer a su oponente 💪…pero al final de tus post preguntas : ¿Lo jugarías? ¿Y quién ganaría, el Hulk o Superman?
Si lo jugaria ya que mi hijo de 5 años le encantan los video juegos,los superheroes pero se inclina mas es por Hulk asi que voto que ganaria El… 😆
Yeah man. Nice blog. Playstation and Xbox consoles have really made gaming to be so amazing.
What you want is Maverl vs Capcom (removing the Capcom characters) and put instead the Injustice characters.
I don't think this kind of game would exist (DC vs MARVEL) because neither of these company has a video-game section. they would have to use a third party company for make a game like that and that would be really difficult. for characters right claimers and whatever idk. there is always problems with this topic.
However, cosidering the posility a game like this could exist. It will be pretty interesting watching new playable characters far than the usual ones we are custom to see. Like when I watched Nova or Dormammu (both MARVEL characters that I had no Idea they existed).
You came across with a good idea.
The dream come true :)
I would be interested to see a battle between wolverine and batman. That would be very morbid. But since I do not think it's my turn to continue enjoying the DC series - their movies are disgusting - and the Marvel movies - their series are good too -
This one of the game also is rocking dangdut ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa😁😁😁 ...
enjoyed your article
Just as u said,The reason being people can pick their player and it is up to their skill who wins. And again as you stated, the most part, a percentage of the characters can compete with each other. ..@whatageek you have a fantastic write up here..kudos
Just as u said,The reason being people can pick their player and it is up to their skill who wins. And again as you stated, the most part, a percentage of the characters can compete with each other. ..@whatageek you have a fantastic write up here..kudos