
You guys sound a lot like the naysayers calling Bitcoin a scam back when there was not yet any infrastructure or on ramps. If you were not a miner, it was much easier and far less intellectually challenging to just call it a scam then to try and figure out the "coloring outside of the lines" ways of buying it while it was still selling in the single digits. Thank God I didn't listen to your knee jerk reactions and started buying bitcoin for $5 in 2011.

I love the idea of such a game but lots of details seemed to be missing the way this was presented.

Everyone can wait until there are enough details and assurances to make them comfortable to participate. There are many people that I told about bitcoin way back in 2011 who are still not comfortable enough with participating in crypto to take the leap.

And just exactly what details were available about Bitcoin in 2011 when I started buying? I'll answer for you. None. I invested in the idea and the possibility. The possibility caused excitement. The excitement caused people to build out the infrastructure. And now here we are. At a crossroads/

And a very interesting crossroads that many of us are interested in and looking for what is next!

But surely the idea back then was how you can create a currency with cryptography. It can't be copied. That was a radical idea. This Matt dude hasn't even told us an idea.

He's a marketer. His ideas are about how to bring our ideas to the whole world.

Did they promise you 10-15 or 20 million dollars in prizes?

Did you get lost on the way to the Bitcoin store?

Yes, do you live on page one in a fairy tale? lol ;)

On page one of just about every fairy tale! :-)

See my most recent post on the subject, but to sum up, Matt is a felon and did a stretch in Leavenworth. He was forced to pay restitution to the people he defrauded.

Simple solution. Put the 10 million into SBD held by a trusted third party agreed upon by the community.

Then again why would anyone want to do something intelligent like use a trusted third party, multi-sig account, or smart contract in a new type of currency that is built upon transparency and the ability to prove you aren't a scammer.

We just weren't ready.

Apparently not.

The next obvious question is: when are we?

Maybe we are ready and others are not ready for us!?
I think this community has grown to be ready for anything worthwhile...

Maybe you don't recognize who real scammers are even when they are twins?

Maybe, I invested $0 in the twins and they never had an actual product they were speaking of. Therefore I am looking for more about the product, but I see someone trying to sell some "how to" instead and asking for a rather high price tag. So I will be awaiting more about the actual game product over the next month I guess.

ouch. use a different metaphor.
p.s we are twins.

HAHAHAHHA you have the best comments @clayboyn !

Why thank you kind sir.

Hahaha! This is hilarious @clayboyn.

Comment retracted for fear of hurting someone and making lashon hara...

I apologize.

The not-so-nice part of me wishes it was that easy. The good part knows better I hope.

people who possess karma don't need to create a coin.

Sometimes Karma comes around before it gets a chance to go around.

Tell us about your karma dear. Oh, wait, you already have. Car sales, door knobs, and all.

I've been watching this thing for days. I read Stan's initial mention of it. I saw Stan with Michael on stage in the video at the Hollywood event, talking about this. I really like Stan! Bitshares are up quite a bit since this all started in the last week.

I have read almost every response you linked to. I'm not ready to reach a final conclusion yet. I hope its okay to wait further before siding with REAL or SCAM.

Thanks for adding to the information on this subject with this post!

Of course. Am not saying it is either. People should find out for themselves.

I like how once you pay you have to post separately to connect the two.

After you've submitted your wire, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM so that we know who you are!

good post , lol :-)

He still got 300$ for his bad idea, not bad!

Steemit: Where you can get paid for bad ideas!

As long as you make it to trending page.
Great authors get left behind, some asshole writes 10 million dollars, and everybody loses their minds.

That amount has gone down to like $33 with all the flagging. Looks like he also promoted it for $155. Bet he's pissed right now.

don't blame matt, he become a billionaire by tomorrow :-)
hahaha, so he is flying high right now, lets see

what reality tells him tomorrow

and we all now, reality is a bitch

I thought I should make a detailed post than just a comment. Please wait for my post which will be posted in few mins.

I just read about that man, he isnt my uncle, too many rumour made us throw away our positive energy

matt is a scam no doubt ripped off hundreds, same scam different vehicle, LIMITED PEOPLE he will make MILLIONS, on a NEW automated system......Wukar and other MLM the man he has been in prison before for this. great post good looking out for the community