How to Counter Juggernaut? It's Easy Way to Beat It!

in #gaming7 years ago


At first glance, look Juggernaut is a carry that has no weaknesses. It has spell immunity, a painful punch, and ultimate magic that also makes it invulnerable!

But perfection belongs only to God. Juggernaut also turned out to have quite a lot of weaknesses !, This time I've got five ways Juggernaut counter that can make him overwhelmed.

If you want to keep winning when you meet the Juggernaut in public match, read this article to the end!

Hard Carry Late Game

Juggernaut is a very good hero carry in mid game. However, its effectiveness decreases into the late game period. How to counter Juggernaut one of them is to choose hard carry that becomes very gahar in late game.

Some of the options are Chaos Knight, Anti-Mage, and Medusa. The three heroes as well as hard carry, they also have the ability to escape or ward off Omnislash launched by Juggernaut!

Chaos Knight for example, has a Phantasm that can at least reduce the damage Omnislash received by the original hero. Anti-Mage has Blink who can escape from Omnislash. Medusa, the ultimate hero with the ultimate that can make the Juggernaut a rock!

Eul or Ghost Scepter

The second Juggernaut counter is an item that is able to make Omnislash unused. What are they?

The first is the Eul Scepter of Divinity, which makes its target fly and becomes invulnerable for 2.5 seconds. The duration is enough to avoid Omnislash level 2, and some omission from Omnislash level 3.

The second item is Ghost Scepter, which makes the user a "ghost" and can not get damage from physical damage type attacks. Because Omnislash is a type of physical damage, the Juggernaut can not penetrate the ghost form!

But be careful, if Juggernaut has Diffusal Blade, the effect of both items above will be neutralized!

Omnislash? Disjoint Only!

If Omnislash has been exposed, how can he run away? It's easy, and there are so many ways!

First, you can use skill with blink ability. Anti-Mage, Queen of Pain, even Phantom Assassin and Chaos Knight can easily avoid Omnislash with their Blink or Blink Strike.

The second way is to use the capabilities that make you invulnerable or hidden while moving. For example, Waveform Morphling, Ball Lightning Storm Spirit, or Shadow Dance that became ultimateSlark very easy to avoid Omnislash.

If you become support, skill that can save your friend is also effective you know! Shallow Grave Dazzle, Disruption Shadow Demon, to Nightmare from Bane can help them not get killed from Omnislash.

Bash! Bash! Bash!

Having a friend with disable ability can be useless if Juggernaut activates Blade Fury. Because, when it's spinning, Juggernaut becomes spell immune and nothing can stop it except stun that can be translucent!

The answer is bash. In general, bash can penetrate the spell immunity and give stun effect if it can proc. That's why items like Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade fit exactly when facing the Juggernaut!

Not only from items kok, bash ability of hero skills can also be used against Juggernaut who is using Blade Fury. Say Faceless Void, Slardar, or Troll Warlord is quite often used to pursue a Juggernaut.
So if the opposing Juggernaut is doing a TP, do not hesitate to hit him if you have the ability bash!

Group Up, Do not Go Alone

How to counter the last simple Juggernaut, just by group up with your team and never go alone!

If the Juggernaut finds you alone it will immediately become an easy target from Omnislash. At level 3 without Aghanim's Scepter, Omnislash can inflict total damage to one hero up to 2025 damage!

Well logically, if you go together with your teammates, at least you will not be exposed to Omnislash alone. Ideally, even if your team meets the opposing Juggernaut, he will instead be overwhelmed by the gang!

Proven, is not it? It's really easy to counter Juggernaut! Just follow the five tips in this article, and will ez MMR when met with Juggernaut. Good luck!



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