I play League of Legends, and I'm a Solo/Duo bronze 5

in #gaming7 years ago

So obviously I play League of Legends, I play with my Discord group every night on blind pick normals, and before that, I solo queue in ranked. In normals I go anywhere but adc, but on solo queue, I exclusively play top and jungle, I play Darius, Gangplank, and Yasuo, for Jungle I play Jax, Master Yi on occasion, Sejuani, and Elise. I choose my champions according to how my team is built, and to counter pick the enemy. I don't usually pay attention to how my team member's champion unless I'm using them as reference to assist the team, and do not try to persuade my team mate's to "not pick a champion" because I do not know the skill level of the user of that champion, nor his/her plan for tlhe champion's build. After that, the game starts, and what I've come to find, why they call bronze "Elo Hell". I had 5 games in a row where my team fed out their ass while I was in top lane being even with whomever I faced, I had one game, where I was losing lane, going a 1/3 Darius, and our adc says "I rather lose than play with my support anymore" and throws herself at the enemy, making us lose the game. Bronze 5 just feels a bit erratic, I want to go into silver 5 to see if its any better, people say people holding you back isn't a thing, if you were worth a higher elo you would carry the game, but its really hard, when their jungler, mid laner, and adc, are fed at 7 minutes into the match, maybe I belong in bronze 5, but I know a lot of those people don't belong in bronze 5, maybe we need lower leagues, like tin, copper, and wood leagues. I think that would help clear that out a bit, so maybe I can feel a bit better about myself.


@tvowcampbell So much information thanks for sharing.

no problemo. :3

Well well it is a hard case. But! If you are good (or at least better than your league) and don't give up you should be start to climb after a while. It is just pure statistics. Maybe you got a leaver this game, but the enemy has the same chance to have one. I do not think that elohell would exist, but getting out of bronze is maybe hardest of them all. I am around plat elo right now and I can tell you, there are no real huge differences between let's say silver and plat. The skill level is around the same, the mentality and the intelligence of the people is different.
I have a favourite youtuber called Phylol who does all kinds of "how to stop being stuck" videos, maybe he might be useful for you.
Don't feed, farm up and take objectives! That's the game ;)

Thanks man, you live up to your name. :D

If you are interested in league related content (guides as well) feel free to give me a follow :D I have just posted an article about ezreal jungle.
/I am already following you :)/

done and done, mate. :D

Well received :) I am resteeming and sharing on @Art.Gaming.Magic on Twitter. Social media should help you get more follows as well. Have you signed up for minnow support yet?