[SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Save Piccolo( Billingual ) #32

in #gaming7 years ago


Having finished fighting with clone piccolo lv.6 team and goku won back the battle which is where goku and other friends went straight back to plane bulma and clone piccolo very sorry to meet with goku and other goku comrades, because they always lose against team from goku and clone piccolo went straight and left the goku team at the battle site and they went elsewhere and i got back in the bulm plane and when i was on the bulm plane where they immediately saw the map to complete the last mission in where after completing this mission we will enter into the latest chapter.

And after that I immediately get a new mission where his mission "battle player" where we can see and find a new goku team where the goku team is already in level 5 and that is at level 5 now that is "Yamcha" he is already in level 5 and we are here only fighting against team clone only 2 team from them and their clone team that is:

1. Clone Yamcha

2. Clone Nappa

And they only carry 2 team members from them as I know they usually carry 3 members of their clone and now they only carry 2 team members only and most likely they make or manage their strategy to beat their team from goku.

After that goku team is still willing to fight the clone team battle of them and they also still want to fight again with the team from goku and without seeing and without a long time goku directly against the team from the clone nappa and the first battle in the start of the super saiyan goku against the clone yamcha which is where the battle arena is now very cleansing which is where the battle arena is near the volcanoes and this is very hot and very cleansing which where if we go into a big hole and there is a chasm at the edge of it below the ravine there is a hot larvae that where if we go into the hole is directly lost and we immediately die.

And goku because it is still the spirit against them and goku immediately came to hit him quickly and when the blow goku about the foot clone yamcha which where get first attack 3 hits and his damage very little and after that goku again issued kamekameha his small - small to menyicil clone yamcha's blood and after that goku instantly pulled out his super-extra kameha and his kameha became blue and big and after removing it goku got 6 hits and his damage is now getting bigger and getting the "nice" and his end goku instantly won the battle that is where it is still too weak and they are still wrong people to be able to fight goku.

And when it's finished the battle in the volcanoes and super sokyo goku fighting clone yamcha where clone yamcha give up not to fight again with goku and he realized because no one can beat goku again and after that we get the first result games are:

1. Zeni Earned: 884

2. Fight EXP: 6,744

3. Victory EXP: 3.221

4. Total EXP: 10.849

Finish the second fight and this is the last battle and this is worth the same goku because after the end of this battle because it has entered into the mission of the heaviest mission and after this mission against the boss is the heaviest and most formidable because his boss is very big setau my level above level 7 and because it is very useful to train the power of goku and train the team members from goku without seeing the arena which is very cleansing and goku directly against and against nappa clone he suddenly emerged from top to bottom and quickly goku instantly knowing it and the blow from the nappa clone is directly in hold by the goku and as the goku holds its goku a bit of pain as it strikes a punch from the nappa clone.

After holding a punch from the clone nappa goku hit the clapped nappa directly by hitting it with his left hand and after striking with the left hand the nappa clone immediately slammed up again and while being slammed onto the goku immediately pulled out his kameha very much and but his kameha came out one and get a "Smash" with the hits that get only 4 hits and the damage is also very big and the blood from the clappers nappa reduced slightly sekitaran "2300" and goku directly towards the top and they fight above when already above them fight very fierce and until my goku blood has run out and when the goku is almost finished his blood quickly goku immediately issue super super saiyan stance and goku is red and his meaning goku is very hot and has become a real goku and then goku win again the fight and the end of his final fight at this mission is finished with very perfect.

When it's finished the last fight on this mission which is where goku always win again the fight and goku increasingly Berjaya and increasingly tough in battle and when it is just there are emerging result games and the result games are:

1. Earned Zeni: 554

2. Fight EXP: 3.364

3. Victory EXP: 7.894

4. Total EXP: 11,812

After finishing the battle and we finally found the piccolo where the piccolo was unconscious he was very weak and helpless when krillin and goku were walking looking for piccolo and goku found him directly below and goku directly told the krillin "Look! It's a piccolo !! "And after that they went downstairs to see piccolo condition and then after krillin spoke to goku by saying" goku! Behind you! "And after that krillin told goku to look back and when it was looking back it clone piccolo, clone goku and clone cell. And it turns out they've been waiting a long time and it turns out the final goku came to save piccolo and when looking at the expression of their faces the three of them do not want to talk anymore want to directly fight against goku.

And at that moment goku was shocked to see behind and goku directly talking "it's like I can not go two minutes without bumping into one of these clones ... well I know what I gotta do !! "And goku say and why with them, and what is wrong piccolo why do you guys do like this and goku also been angry and impatient to want to fight the three of them because it has destroyed piccolo and krillin also just like goku he can not wait to fight with them and for his fight I will discuss his in the article for tomorrow and I want to make you curious to be able to read it tomorrow.

And once the piccolo has been found by goku and krillin, they are directly in the presence of the clone team leader in which they are "clone cell, clone piccolo and clone goku" and from their three members goku can not wait to fight with them and for my battle I postpone for the article tomorrow and I make you become more curious with my article hehe, and do not forget to keep the spirit of writing and keep the spirit to always participate to everyone and see you tomorrow!


Setelah selesai bertarung dengan team clone piccolo lv.6 dan goku memenangkan kembali pertempuran tersebut yang di mana goku dan teman yang lain langsung kembali ke pesawat bulma dan clone piccolo sangat menyesal karena berjumpa dengan goku dan kawan  goku yang lain , karena mereka selalu kalah melawan team dari goku dan clone piccolo langsung pergi dan meninggalkan team goku di tempat pertarungan tersebut dan mereka pergi ke tempat lain dan saya kembali ke dalam pesawat bulma dan saat sudah berada di dalam pesawat bulma yang di mana mereka langsung melihat map untuk menyelesaikan mission yang terakhir yang di mana setelah selesai mission ini kita akan masuk ke dalam chapter yang terbaru.

Dan setelah itu saya langsung mendapatkan mission baru yang di mana mission nya “ battle player “ yang di mana kita bisa melihat dan menemukan team goku yang baru yang di mana team goku ada sudah di level 5 dan yang sudah di level 5 sekarang yaitu “ Yamcha “ dia sudah berada di level 5 dan kita di sini hanya bertarung melawan team clone hanya 2 team dari mereka dan team clone mereka yaitu :

1.Clone Yamcha

2.Clone Nappa

Dan mereka hanya membawa 2 anggota team dari mereka seperti yang saya ketahui biasa nya mereka membawa 3 anggota clone mereka dan sekarang mereka hanya membawa 2 anggota team saja dan kemungkinan besar mereka membuat atau mengatur strategi mereka untuk bisa mengalahkan nya team dari goku.

Setelah itu team goku masih bersedia untuk melawan pertarungan team clone dari mereka dan mereka juga masih ingin bertarung lagi dengan team dari goku dan tanpa melihat dan tanpa lama lagi goku langsung melawan team dari clone nappa dan pertarungan pertama yang di mulai yaitu goku super saiyan melawan clone yamcha yang di mana arena pertarungan yang sekarang sangat mengerihkan yang di mana arena pertarungan tersebut di dekat pergunungan berapi dan ini sangat panas dan sangat mengerihkan yang di mana jika kita masuk ke lobang  besar dan ada jurang di pinggir nya di bawah jurang tersebut terdapat larva panas yang di mana kalau kita masuk ke lobang tersebut langsung kalah dan kita langsung mati.

Dan goku karena masih semangat melawan mereka dan goku langsung datang memukul nya dengan cepat dan saat pukulan goku mengenai bagian kaki clone yamcha yang di mana mendapatkan first attack 3 hits dan damage nya sangat dikit dan setelah itu goku kembali mengeluarkan kamekameha nya kecil – kecil untuk menyicil darah si clone yamcha dan setelah itu goku langsung mengeluarkan kameha nya yang super extra dan kameha nya menjadi warna biru dan besar dan setelah mengeluarkan itu goku mendapatkan 6 hits dan damage nya sekarang makin besar dan mendapatkan keterangan “ nice “ dan akhir nya goku langsung memenangkan pertarungan tersebut yang di mana masih terlalu lemah dan mereka masih salah orang untuk bisa melawan goku.

Dan saat sudah selesai pertarungan di arena pergunungan berapi dan goku super saiyan melawan clone yamcha yang di mana clone yamcha menyerah untuk tidak melawan lagi dengan goku dan dia sadar karena tidak ada yang bisa mengalahkan goku lagi dan setelah itu kita mendapatkan result games pertama yaitu :

1.Zeni Earned  : 884

2.Fight EXP : 6.744

3.Victory EXP : 3.221

4.Total EXP : 10.849

Selesai pertarungan kedua dan ini adalah pertarungan terakhir dan ini sangat berharga sama goku karena setelah selesai pertarungan ini karena sudah masuk ke dalam mission yang sangat terberat dan mission setelah ini mission melawan bos yang paling berat dan palingan tangguh karena boss nya sangat besar setau saya sudah level di atas level 7 dan karena ini sangat berguna untuk melatih kekuatan dari goku dan melatih anggota team dari goku tanpa melihat arena tersebut yang sangat mengerihkan dan goku langsung melawan dan saat melawan clone nappa tiba – tiba dia muncul dari arah atas ke bawah dan dengan cepat goku langsung mengetahui nya dan pukulan dari clone nappa langsung di tahan oleh goku dan saat goku menahan nya goku sedikit kesakitan saat menaha pukulan dari clone nappa.

Setelah menahan pukulan dari clone nappa goku langsung memukul clone nappa dengan memukul menggunakan tangan kiri nya dan setelah memukul dengan tangan kiri clone nappa langsung terhempas lagi ke atas dan saat sedang terhempas ke atas goku langsung mengeluarkan kameha nya yang sangat banyak dan tetapi kameha nya keluarnya satu persatu dan mendapatkan keterangan “ Smash “ dengan hits yang di dapatkan hanya 4 hits dan damage nya juga sangat besar dan darah dari clone nappa berkurang sedikit sekitaran “ 2300 “ dan goku langsung ke arah atas dan mereka bertarung di atas saat sudah di atas mereka bertarung sangat sengit dan sampai darah goku sudah kehabisan dan saat goku sudah hampir habis darah nya dengan cepat goku langsung mengeluarkan jurus super saiyan extra dan goku sudah berwarna merah dan arti nya goku sudah sangat panas dan sudah menjadi goku sebenarnya dan saat itu goku memenangkan lagi pertarungan tersebut dan akhir  nya pertarungan terakhir di mission ini selesai dengan sangat sempurna.

Saat sudah menyelesaikan pertarungan terakhir di mission ini yang di mana goku selalu memenangkan lagi pertarungan tersebut dan goku semakin Berjaya dan semakin tangguh di pertarungan dan saat itu baru lah ada muncul result games dan result games tersebut yaitu :

1.Zeni Earned : 554

2.Fight EXP : 3.364

3.Victory EXP : 7.894

4.Total EXP : 11.812

Setelah selesai pertarungan tersebut dan kita akhir nya menemukan piccolo yang di mana piccolo sudah tidak sadarkan diri dia sangat lemas dan tak berdaya saat krillin dan goku sedang berjalan mencari piccolo dan goku langsung menemukan nya di bawah dan goku langsung mengatakan kepada krillin “ Look! It’s piccolo!! “ dan setelah itu mereka langsung turun ke bawah untuk melihat kondisi piccolo dan saat itu sesudah di bawah krillin berbicara kepada goku dengan berkata “ goku! Behind you! “ dan setelah itu krillin menyuruh goku melihat ke belakang dan saat sudah melihat ke belakang ternyata clone piccolo , clone goku dan clone cell. Dan ternyata mereka sudah menunggu lama dan ternyata goku akhir nya datang untuk menyelamatkan piccolo dan saat melihat ekpresi wajah mereka bertiga sudah tidak ingin berbicara lagi ingin langsung bertarung melawan goku.

Dan saat itu goku terkejut melihat di belakang dan goku langsung berbicara “ it’s like I can’t go two minutes without bumping into one of these clones… well I know what I gotta do!! “ dan goku mengatakan dan kenapa dengan mereka , dan apa salah piccolo kenapa harus kalian perbuat seperti ini dan goku juga sudah marah dan tidak sabar untuk ingin bertarung kepada mereka bertiga karena sudah menghancurkan piccolo dan krillin juga sama seperti goku dia tidak sabar untuk bertarung dengan mereka dan untuk bertarungan nya saya akan membahas nya di artikel untuk besok dan saya ingin membuat kalian penasaran untuk bisa membaca nya besok.

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

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  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
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  5. [SteemGC] TOP 10 GAMES FREE ON ANDROID ( Billingual )
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This is the article of games  "DragonBalls Fighter Z " :

  1. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - " Goku ( Super Saiya ) VS Android 16 " First Battle in Game ( Billingual ) #15
  2. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Super Warrior ( Billingual ) #16
  3. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Complete Super Warriors Chapter 2 ( Billingual ) #17
  4. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Mission Complete Chapter 03 Map 03 ( Billingual ) #18
  5. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Go to road Mission Chapter 04 map 04 ( Billingual ) #19
  6. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - New Mission Chapter 04 map 04 " Team Goku VS Clone Krillin "( Billingual ) #20
  7. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Save Yamcha From Death ( Billingual ) #21
  8. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Road To Mission On Bos Battle ( Billingual ) #22
  9. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Mission Completed Fight in the BOS " Cell " ( Billingual ) #23
  10. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Heal The Beloved Krillin "android 18 " ( Billingual ) #24
  11. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - New Mission " Chapter 05 Map 05 " ( Billingual ) #25
  12. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Fight Team Clone Cell Level 5 ( Billingual ) #26
  13. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - New Mission Fight Team Clone Vegeta " Map 06 " ( Billingual ) #27
  14. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - New Mission Fight Team Clone Captain Ginyu ( Billingual ) #28
  15. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Mysterious Mission( Billingual ) #29
  16. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Mission Fight team Clone Krillin ( Billingual ) #30
  17. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Fight to Team Clone Piccolo ( Billingual ) #31

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  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Dan setelah piccolo sudah di temukan oleh goku dan krillin , mereka langsung di hadang oleh ketua dari clone team tersebut yang di mana mereka adalah “ clone cell , clone piccolo dan clone goku “ dan dari tiga anggota mereka goku sudah tidak sabar untuk bertarung dengan mereka dan untuk pertarungan nya saya tunda untuk artikel besok dan saya membuat kalian jadi lebih penasaran dengan artikel saya hehe , dan jangan lupa tetap semangat menulis dan tetap semangat untuk selalu berpartisipasi kepada semua orang dan sampai jumpa besok!!!

Haii semua nya kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana kalian berjumpa dengan saya si penulis games yang di mana saya masih bertahan menulis tentang games dan jika kalian masih menyukai penulisan saya bisa kalian comment dan resteem semua artikel games saya hehe , sudah tidak terasa ya saya menulis games di artikel ini dan pada games ini “ Dragonballs fighter z “ yang di mana sudah masuk  ke part yang ke 18 dan ini sudah masuk ke artikel games yang ke part 18 dan kalian masih suka dan membaca artikel saya dan saya apresiasikan kepada kalian yang masih mencintai artikel saya di sini dan untuk di artikel ini saya akan melanjutkan kembali ke mission yang lain yang di mana kita akan membawa pulang piccolo yang asli ke markas goku dan untuk kalian bisa membaca nya di bawah ini!!!

Haii all its back again with me @thespecialone where you meet me the author of the game where I still survive writing about games and if you still like writing I can you comment and resteem all my games articles hehe, it does not feel yes I wrote the games in this article and in this game "Dragonballs fighter z" which is where it has entered into the 18th part and this has been entered into the article games to the 18th part and you still like and read my article and I appreciate to you guys who still love my article here and for this article i will continue to go back to another mission where we will take home the original piccolo to goku headquarters and for you guys can read it below !!!


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