And after the article yesterday we saved yamcha from death and I went straight back to the mode folder where when in the mode folder I got a notification on this "dragonball" game that is "Ally saved! Yamcha, is now available "In the edit team menu" which is where the notice we have been directed from this game to be able to edit the team in which yamcha can get into our team like krillin who have entered into team goku and after it just hit "OK" to remove the notification and so we can continue the next mission. When finished viewing the notification I went straight to the edit team menu to edit yamcha to enter the goku team, and edit his skill players to get the greatest skill of yamcha and after that when I see in the edit team it turns out the yamcha level player is bigger than on krillin is "level 2" while krillin is only "level 1" and yamcha is equivalent to goku where goku also "level 2" means strength and resilience yamcha exactly the same by goku and if we fight definitely yamcha very strong and tough. And I'm still looking at the map to fight who and as I said before where we should look for a lightweight mission first to be able to train the strength and toughness of our team players and I've got the next mission is "Battle Tutorial" where there are only two enemies and our team player there are three and before doing battle tutorial we can see the info battle tutorial it is: 1. Player Skills: • Attack Power Up Lv. 1 • Defense Up Lv. 1 • Assist fill rate Up Lv.1 2. Enemy Skills 3. Reward After that we will get "begin Battle" Yes or No "and if we want to continue fighting with battle tutorial we can press" Yes "if you do not want to fight can press" No "and because I want to continue this mission and I just press" Yes "to continue it. And the moment before the fight and is already in a cave where we will fight with the enemy that we do not know and when in the cave yamcha immediately said "It's been a long time since the three of us got together in these uniforms, reminds me of the days when I trained as a martial artist ... "and after that goku with angry and wanted to fight and goku also spoke" Actually, now that I think about it, I do not think we've trained together yamcha !! So hey, why do not we go a few founds? " And when the goku spoke suddenly yamcha with an angry expression of his face like he was very angry with goku for talking earlier and right then yamcha directly told goku "wha? Y - you're kidding, right? I would not even come close to being a match for you, not to mention I've been giving up fighting, krillin would be a better training partner, okey? "And when yamcha took the name of krillin and suddenly krillin strangely when yamcha brought her name, she immediately said" hey now, I've retired from fighting too! I've got a family to think about now! " And when krillin dam yamcha quarrel and right then goku to mediate their quarrel and goku directly speak "well, I guess there's nothing I guess do you know what yamcha you're not married and you do not have a family or anything right? "And when the goku was talking yamcha straight back slightly and he said" w- well .. you see .. about that ... i .... uh ... I - I - it's complicated! "And after that goku was very excited when yamcha had a little understanding of what he was talking about earlier and goku immediately spoke again" I have no idea what you're talking about but you do not have a real reason to quit fighting then you should train with me! "After the goku spoke at length, krillin immediately said" goku ... uh, are you even hearing the things that are coming from your mouth? " At the time of krillin speaking with no vigor yamcha directly cut off the talk of krillin, yamcha immediately say "E - Enough Me already! Let's just focus on the upcoming battle! , L - Let's just ... let's think of this fight as us training together okey? Oh and please try not to kill me "and after that without looking again and yamcha can not wait to fight and fight this time is a team player goku who has 3 teams and his enemy just" clone krillin "just in not bring another troop again . And just go yamcha fight against clon krillin because by fighting clone krillin yamcha can take his revenge yesterday which have not got time to fight yamcha clone so he must be his revenge only against "clone krillin" and direct yamcha forward to fight clon krillin and moment while fighting against the krillin clone we get a command in the battle that is "Alright, give this a whirl! | the best offense is a good defense | perform two standing guards! Time with the opponent's attack "and the yamcha fills in first to fight the krillin clone and it turns out yamcha is not able to fight the krillin clone and is immediately replaced by goku because yamcha has not healed so he can not fully fight or spend the clone krillin and goku instantly take over the fight by fighting the krillin and goku clones casually against the krillin clone and the new goku takes out a little of its power and the krillin clone instantly loses. After defeating the team from yamcha ie, goku, krillin and yamcha win the game info description "result" that is: 1. Earned Zeni: 69 2. Fight EXP: 640 3. Victory EXP: 2580 4. Total EXP: 3289 5. Victory Player Team After finishing the fight I just went back to the main menu and immediately opened a new folder when I was in the folder I went straight to the next mission is "Battle Battle" which we will fight and fight against the big boss and most strong in this mission and I immediately completed the mission which is where after I press the mission boss after I press the mission that where we must go there first because the distance from where we fight was still far with the distance to be able to meet with the enemy boss which is where we get back into the capsule aircraft. And while Goku is relaxing on the plane he says "hehe! Nice! I think you're getting the hang of it! Hey, you're in my body ... you're a pretty darn good fighter you know that? "After the goku was relaxing on the plane suddenly krillin immediately heard what was in talking about goku earlier when he was relaxing krillin immediately said" phew ... I hope 18 and marron are okay, they're back at master roshi's place, with this many baddies around, it could spell trouble .. "when krillin already talk to goku then goku reply to talk of krillin" I would not worry I mean 18's stronger than you, right? "Just a moment goku speak directly in pieces with krillin by saying" ahem .. yeah that may be true but you do not have to put it so bluntly " And goku immediately said without long goku said "ha ha! Oh, yeah sorry huh? Hey, krillin ... there's some kinda huge power out there .. feel it? "And the goku stood up from his seat as he spoke. Goku stood up and encouraged krillin and krillin as well by showing his spirits he immediately said" it's differen, it's not like the clones we've been fighting. I wonder ... is it .. cell? "After krillin excited goku also so excited when krillin give spirit again to goku and goku directly said" could be ... the energy is similar to the cell's yes ... but it feels a bit smaller does not it? That's odd .. we can sense the cell's energy .. but not the peson he's fighting with " [IND] Dan setelah di artikel kemarin kita sudah menyelamatkan yamcha dari kematian dan saya langsung kembali ke map mode yang di mana saat sudah di map mode saya mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan pada games “ dragonball “ ini yaitu “ Ally saved! Yamcha , is now available In the edit team menu “ yang di mana pada pemberitahuan tersebut kita sudah di arahkan dari games ini untuk bisa edit team yang di mana yamcha sudah bisa masuk ke dalam team kita seperti krillin yang sudah masuk ke dalam team goku dan setelah itu langsung saja menekan “ OK “ untuk menghilangkan pemberitahuan tersebut dan supaya kita bisa melanjutkan mission berikutnya. Setelah selesai melihat pemberitahuan tersebut saya langsung menuju ke menu edit team untuk edit yamcha untuk masuk ke dalam team goku , dan edit skill players nya untuk bisa mengeluarkan skill terhebat yamcha dan setelah itu saat saya melihat di edit team ternyata yamcha level player nya lebih besar dari pada krillin yaitu “ level 2 “ sedangkan krillin hanya “ level 1 “ dan yamcha sudah setara dengan goku yang di mana goku juga sudah “ level 2 “ berarti kekuatan dan ketahanan yamcha sama persis oleh goku dan jika kita bertarung pasti yamcha sangat kuat dan tangguh. Dan saya masih mencari di map untuk melawan siapa dan seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya yang di mana kita harus mencari mission yang ringan terlebih dahulu untuk bisa melatih kekuatan dan ketangguhan para player team kita dan saya sudah mendapatkan mission berikutnya yaitu “ Battle Tutorial “ yang di mana musuh nya hanya ada dua dan player team kita ada tiga dan sebelum melakukan battle tutorial kita bisa melihat info battle tutorial nya yaitu : 1.Player Skills : •Attack Power Up Lv. 1 •Defense Up Lv. 1 •Assist fill rate Up Lv.1 2.Enemy Skills 3.Reward Setelah itu kita akan mendapatkan “ begin Battle ? Yes or No “ dan jika kita ingin melanjutkan bertarung dengan battle tutorial kita bisa menekan “ Yes “ jika tidak ingin bertarung bisa menekan “ No “ dan karena saya ingin melanjutkan mission ini dan langsung saja saya menekan “ Yes “ untuk melanjutkan nya. Dan saat sebelum bertarung dan sudah berada di dalam sebuah goa yang di mana kita akan bertarung dengan musuh yang belum kita ketahui dan saat di dalam goa yamcha langsung berkata “ It’s been a long time since the three of us got together in these uniforms , reminds me of the days when I trained as a martial artist… “ dan setelah itu goku dengan sudah marah dan ingin langsung bertarung dan goku juga berbicara “ Actually , now that I think about it , I don’t think we’ve trained together yamcha!! So hey , why don’t we go a few founds? “ Dan saat goku berbicara tiba – tiba yamcha dengan ekpresi wajah yang marah dia seperti nya sangat marah dengan goku karena berbicara tadi dan saat itu juga yamcha langsung mengatakan kepada goku “ wha? Y – you’re kidding , right? I wouldn’t even come close to being a match for you , not to mention I’ve been giving up fighting , krillin would be a much better training partner , okey? “ dan saat yamcha membaw nama krillin dan tiba – tiba krillin langsung aneh saat yamcha membawa nama dia , dia langsung mengatakan “ hey now , I’ve retired from fighting too! I’ve got a family to think about now! “ Dan saat krillin dam yamcha bertengkar dan saat itu juga goku untuk menengahin pertengkaran mereka dan goku langsung berbicara “ well , I guess there’s nothing I can do about krillin having a family guess robot wives have needs too , but you know , yamcha you’re not married and you don’t have a family or anything right? “ dan saat goku sudah berbicara yamcha langsung sedikit mundur dan dia berkata “ w- well.. you see.. about that… i…. uh… I – I – it’s complicated! “ dan setelah itu goku sangat bersemangat saat yamcha sudah sedikit mengerti apa yang di bicarakan nya tadi dan goku langsung lagi berbicara “ I have no idea what you’re talking about but , if you don’t have a real reason to quit fighting then you should train with me! “ setelah goku berbicara panjang lebar , krillin langsung mengatakan “ goku… uh , are you even hearing the things that are coming of your mouth? “ Di saat krillin berbicara dengan tidak semangat yamcha langsung memotong pembicaraan dari krillin , yamcha langsung mengatakan “ E – Enough Me already! Let’s just focus on the upcoming battle! , L – Let’s just… let’s think of this fight as us training together okey? Oh and please try not to kill me “ dan setelah itu tanpa lihat lagi dan yamcha tidak sabar lagi untuk bertarung dan bertarung kali ini adalah team player goku yang memiliki 3 team dan musuh nya hanya “clone krillin “ saja di tidak membawa pasukan yang lain lagi. Dan langsung saja yamcha maju melawan clone krillin karena dengan melawan clone krillin yamcha bisa membalas dendam nya yang kemarin yang belum sempat melawan clone yamcha jadi dia harus bisa membalas dendam nya hanya melawan “ clone krillin “ dan langsung yamcha maju ke depan melawan clone krillin dan saat sedang bertarung melawan clone krillin kita mendapatkan sebuah perintah di dalam pertarungan tersebut yaitu “ Alright , give this a whirl! | the best offense is a good defense | perform two standing guards! Time with the opponent’s attack “ dan yamcha mengisi tenaga terlebih dahulu untuk bisa melawan clone krillin dan saat itu ternyata yamcha tidak sanggup melawan clone krillin dan langsung di gantikan oleh goku karena yamcha belum sembuh total jadi dia tidak bisa sepenuh nya bisa melawan atau menghabiskan si clone krillin dan goku langsung mengambil alih pertarungan dengan melawan clone krillin dan goku dengan santai melawan clone krillin dan baru goku mengeluarkan sedikit kekuatan nya dan clone krillin langsung kalah. Setelah mengalahkan team dari yamcha yaitu , goku , krillin dan yamcha memenangkan pertandingan tersebut info keterangan “ result “ yaitu : 1.Zeni Earned : 69 2.Fight EXP : 640 3.Victory EXP : 2580 4.Total EXP : 3289 5.Victory Player Team Setelah selesai pertarungan tersebut langsung saja saya kembali lagi ke dalam menu utama dan langsung membuka map baru di saat sudah di dalam map tersebut saya langsung menuju mission berikut nya yaitu “ Bos Battle “ yang di mana kita akan melawan dan bertarung melawan bos paling besar dan paling kuat di mission ini dan saya langsung menyelesaikan mission tersebut yang di mana setelah saya menekan mission bos tersebut setelah saya menekan mission tersebut yang dimana kita harus menuju kesana terlebih dahulu karena jarak dari tempat kita bertarung tadi masih jauh dengan jarak untuk bisa berjumpa dengan bos musuh tersebut yang di mana kita kembali ke dalam pesawat capsule. Dan saat goku sedang bersantai di dalam pesawat dia mengatakan “ hehe! Nice! I think you’re getting the hang of it! Hey , you there in my body… you’re a pretty darn good fighter you know that? “ setelah goku sedang bersantai di dalam pesawat tiba – tiba krillin langsung mendengar apa yang di bicarakan goku tadi saat dia sedang bersantai krillin langsung mengatakan “ phew… I hope 18 and marron are okay, they’re back at master roshi’s place , with this many baddies around , it could spell trouble.. “ saat krillin sudah berbicara dengan goku saat itu juga goku membalas pembicaraan dari krillin “ I wouldn’t worry I mean 18’s stronger than you , right? “ baru sebentar goku berbicara langsung di potong dengan krillin dengan mengatakan “ ahem.. yeah that may be true but you don’t have to put it so bluntly “ Dan goku langsung berkata tanpa lama goku berkata “ ha ha! Oh , yeah sorry huh? Hey , krillin… there’s some kinda huge power out there.. feel it? “ dan goku langsung berdiri dari tempat duduk nya saat berbicara tadi goku langsung berdiri dan memberikan semangat kepada krillin dan krillin juga dengan menampakan semangat nya dia langsung berkata “ it’s differen , it’s not like the clones we’ve been fighting. I wonder… is it.. cell? “ setelah krillin bersemangat goku juga jadi bersemangat saat krillin memberikan semangat lagi ke goku dan goku langsung berkata “ could be… the energy is similar to cell’s yes… but it feels a bit smaller doesn’t it? That’s odd.. we can sense cell’s energy.. but not the peson he’s fighting with “ For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below : And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " : Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :