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RE: HashRush Is In Alpha Phase But Getting Sketchier By The Day.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

That is incorrect. I did go to the team within the discord and got generalized whatever replies.

Facts are facts... the original whitepaper says locked up until Dec 2018... so how are they kicking off a ICO for Hashrush in Sept?

Oh that is right they lied and found a way around it.

I understand that maybe you still have faith in the project... and good luck to you. it may very well pan out for you... but based on the business tactic I am seeing.... seems high risk... If anything I would wait for full release to spend a dime. the new road map shows 2019 as full release... so they have plenty of time to devalue this coins with yet another coin offering.

better to wait it out then to fomo on this one.


It's quite strange that it's just a day when Hash Rush announced their ICO 2 and you have started assuming things by yourself. You have been with this project from the starting and it took just an announcement to shake your trust and faith in the project which they earned from past year.

Also regarding mining pools and hash rate you are absolutely creating a FUD, which you wouldn't have done if you read the latest whitepaper. They are releasing public mining pool in which everyone can participate. The game is still tied to mining farm and payouts from it. The only thing that changed is that instead of every colony having a hashrate, their ranking and rewards are calculated by amount of crystals they mine. That actually makes more sense in a game. Things change quite a lot from the initial concept phase to development and deployment stage. Concept of "colonies having hash rate" made more sense if there were mandatory monthly subscriptions or sale of say Ernack units. But since that would have made the "pay to win" factor really strong and decisive, they had to exclude it. Also subscriptions don't really work these days. Mainstream gamers are not a big fan of "pay to win" stuff. I'm sure you'd know that. Demand these days is for skins and cosmetic items or consumables. Plus your point regarding payout based on factions is again totally wrong. Payouts are based on individual rankings.

Yes Beta is not launched right now, but Alpha is going strong. Team has been making regular updates and fixing bugs and adding new features. In fact they have been announcing their Beta plans everywhere. Beta has a prize pool of $30K which probably no other crypto game has initiated. Even in mainstream games you don't find so much progress in Beta.

Also Hash Rush is considered one of the top blockchain projects in Latvia.

I think they have a lot at stake if they wish to scam.

I recognize the fact that no one needs to be a blind follower. Even I am not. I had some issues and I cleared them up with Craig and Darkfall. Also your point regarding the "timing" might be discussable and debatable, but calling them scammy, untrustworthy, sketchy etc. is kinda assassination attempt of the project. Craig pinged you for discussion on Discord but you didn't answer. So your view is pretty biased. But, Craig mentioned that he will come up with answers to your questions pretty soon. But I hope you'll be back at Discord for a meaningful fact based debate.

I did have faith in the project... I was even ok with the changes that they rotated to after giving a specific plan of events in the initial whitepaper for the first ICO.

But at this point they did a huge Crypto NO NO... you don't say that a certain amount of funds are going to be locked up to your investors then turn around and sell again... shady companies do that...

Your right I was on board with HashRush since the beginning... invested my hard earned crypto into the project, for them to turn around and have zero respect for my support.

Fact is they lied about one of the most important factors in their project.. their token.. so tell me why should someone have faith in a project that is lying straight to their face.

After getting shut down in the discord I left the channel.... I hope to unload my tokens that I have been holding for a year and be done with the project.

And your right they very well may not be exit scamming or anything... but name one other project that pulled something like this that is still legit and going.

As I said it would be better if you discussed about it directly with devs then spreading out things which might be wrong. Also I am not saying that all your points are invalid, but you are just not up for discussion. I was in discord. No one at least shut you down. In fact they are eager to have a chat with you. I think it's just your frustration which is coming between a meaningful talk. And of course you are free to do whatever with your tokens. Those who believe in project will anyways be ready to buy them.

Maybe you are missing something or maybe Hash Rush guys are missing something. But things will clear with talk, not frustration posts. And frankly speaking you have every right to say positive or negative about Hash Rush. Maybe I would have done same but at least after doing a through discussion with team. And if then I felt dissatisfied with their answers, then probably I would have vent out my anger.

I did read their whitepage... and I did just finish re-reading it.

Take aways....
Premium player status for a monthly subscription.

The 30K is subject to change... and hashrush changes their mind quite often.

They are setting aside 5 million rush for employee bonuses..

and the have 37 million set aside to flood the market how they see fit... at least you can say they are not promising to lock it up... or anything.... but they do say that they will 100% influence the RUSH economy how they see fit... so yeah I expect token sales to happen all the time.

  1. Premium membership is totally optional and free players can still compete for reward pools. Only thing is Premium members have access to bigger reward pools and many other perks like less market fees, free items etc. none of them which really increase their winning chances.

  2. Even though they have mentioned 30K is subject to change, but it is to indicate that the prize pool may increase also or maybe less in case we see a bear run. They have been promoting the $30K pool everywhere, I am sure they wouldn't make it less for any trivial issues.

  3. All ICOs set apart some % for employees. It's not like they are increasing the total supply. Plus the tokens will be locked for a year.

  4. Well, one thing that you are doing wrong here here is that you are tying Rush token to just the Hash Rush game. The truth is that Rush token is now not limited to just the game, but other projects also. Maybe in future they will launch more projects or games and then Rush token will be used there as well. So I think if they are expanding the scope of project then it certainly increases the value of Rush token and not decreases it.

And that's if they do any other token sale. It's not something which you can do anytime you want to or need to.

I am kinda surprised that you are taking everything so negatively. Every other point makes you believe something is fishy. What's wrong dude? It doesn't seem to be something related to just the announcement of the ICO. You probably have some other issues with project.....
Plus the fact that you are not ready to talk to team and clear your issues makes it kinda weird. Craig is online on Discord right now. I am really hoping to see you debate there.

I really didn't have issues with the project. (as in the game)

I brought up the premium because you said it is not pay to win.. but it kinda... is..

I said that the 30k is subject to change because they are not even halfway there in hashrate (if I recall correctly)... according to their whitepaper.

Anyway it doesn't really matter.. the issue is they lied and it was not no small thing. I talked to many people in my circles and not only do they all agree that it was shady but I think all of them but you are jumping ship.

Not only is what they did with their token lockup wrong... but it is probably illegal to lie to your investors like that.. I will have to do more research on the SEC regulations to determine if what they did was criminal here in the US. If a non-crypto security did what they did there would be jail time.

I would debate the developers... but honestly I don't see the point.. I am sure they could justify it or spin it in such a way that puts them in a good light... but why would you believe it? obviously they are not oppose to lying or going back on their word....

I wish the best to you, and to your adventures in this crypto-gaming space.. but HashRush is bottom of the barrel now... right there with EtherCraft.. yeah they can still make it happen... but I don't believe it.

The thing about frozen tokens. I actually asked Craig for explanation regarding it and he gave me good explanation after which I have no doubts left. As I said before, you are just missing some important things. It is still a nine but you are just standing on the opposite side and seeing a six. Well anyways, I will refrain from more explanations. Let the team answer your queries. Good Day.

I planned to write a good reply to this, but your plain ignorance of facts tells me that you're not worth my time. Bye, I hope for good.