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RE: What Keeps You Playing Video Games?

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

I share your concerns about games with an online component or that require "always on verification". It's a real issue for game history to try and preserve those, and many games have already been lost to history. I personally try to stay away from anything like that, because I do not approve of those business practices. It's unfair to the consumers. Same reason I don't buy digital games. I don't want to lose access to something I paid for in the future.


I prefer physical games for sure but unfortunately, that is quickly becoming an option of the past. Especially for indie developers or smaller publishers on PC who flock to Steam to release their games.

It's a shame. The only current gen system I own is a Switch and a good 50% of its library is only available digitally, and for PC it's even more pronounced of course.