the steemian hello, good night all of her for gamers who are in its regular steemit.seperti I @sharmlock who love the game and for me gaming is entertainment that can fill the empty time, but it's good to play a game with a set time existing and still share time with your family, so life was better, that's some of my suggestions terhadatp games that you play right, still take some time for the beloved, okay I just will review games that are already familiar to gamers of course Nitendo console is the legend of zelda breath of the wild, following reviews ayng I provide with my own version and with the experience of playing this game.

I never knew about Zelda game is a game that can only be played on the Console Nitendo, I think Nitendo has more value with this game, maybe from the guys who do not know what is zelda, I will explain about this game with my own knowledge, zelda game has a genre of advanture, in the old days this game is also bia di say, the most top game that is on the console Nitendo the end of its many also issued a series of games entitled Zelda and in its development every year have a change, and very change big happened in the year 2017 and by giving a significant difference that makes the Zelda fans in the past to be happy because Zelda has generated with changes that I think is very unusual in terms of gameplay and in terms of visual which is given, for decades this game has a definitive genre, which is a major strength that is relied upon by Nintendo.
mungkindari some gamers who always follow the changes that occur in this Zelda game is a game that always provides the same gameplay in each series. but for me none of Zelda series are practically the same as the previous series. Nintendo also always makes a difference in terms of storyline that is given of each series, my opinion about Nintendo, Nintendo always give change and there are always additions such as visual, character, up to a different gameplay. like games that I would review it was the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
at the beginning I saw this game at some videos shared by gamers, it turns out this game has turned into a game that I think are remarkable by providing a new concept in game series Zelda is that the concept of an open world is fantastic with the exploration of full the players of this game, my own highly appreciate the full game, and the changes that Nintendo make is not arbitrary, Nintendo also provides many changes changes in terms of characters and visuals as I said earlier, the gameplay is perfect and on the other side of this game the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for my game adikitf, it also makes on different sides of the story line that is given, with the goal contained in the game the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is rescue a princess with obstacles fantastic, thrilling and emotional are the gamers who play this game.
I will tell you what I know from the storyline given by Nitendo in the Zelda Series game launched last year, which we know together in the previous Zelda game series, the main character in this game will be re-acting as Link, for the not yet know what Link, Link is not the name of the main character in the game that has been famous in antiquity. but Zelda's name itself is the name of a queen contained in the story, that's what I know, so I hope all of you are not confused, as I've explained.
in the game The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the main character that Link suddenly wake up from sleep long. and after that the Link Interacts with some people who are at the beginning of the game, and we will also begin to understand that the Kingdom named Hyrule at the time was in big trouble. because of a problem of destruction called Calamity Ganon, with little power that existed on Princess Zelda, and the Queen also managed to hold that power in Hyrule Kingdom during the same period. and at that moment, Link starts to know who he is. That link is a legendary Hyrule knight who also had wanted to defeat Ganon in a few hundred years ago. with the help of 4 knights selected from Hyrule with several races known as Champions, ended in failure.
and now Link must resolve the issue of its hundreds of years ago to finish what began in the past Link. at War that occurred in hundreds of years ago was ended up being a huge disaster because pengabungan mechanical technology designed to defeat Ganon Calamity is the Guardians and the Divine Beast, but at that moment the Guardian and Divine Beast was defeated controlled by Ganon. in some scenes that were supplied links should Starting from scratch, and now links should also be able to get back his memory of Queen Zelda role in his life, and also links should be freed from the influence of Divine Beast Ganon, and destroy the Guardians.
It's not a big secret anymore for me game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is going to provide an open-world system that Nintendo provide from some trailers that are released before the game is launched, I do not know exactly who is the anam who made this game , but what I know may be that this game maker wants to give a new impression of the Zelda Series that it developed and with some stage of refinement of the open world system by providing many changes of each feature.
I see Visually in this game, Nintendo will not be able to provide the quality of realism as it is in the hardware engine Playstation and Microsoft Xbox. but in my opinion Nitendo did not prioritize the visual goto but they gave their own visuals that could make Nitendo ascend to the top rank in the Zelda game by providing a combination of approaches like cartoons and with diverse and different world designs enhanced by random and changing weather effects time of day and night. and what I discovered from some of the uniqueness of the game The Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild is successfully throwing away the strong impression of Zelda and Link's own background. namely by giving the ruins of buildings, and Guardians corpses are scattered in various areas that exist, as well as the monsters that are always there in every region.
and the uniqueness that I found in this game is this game also takes the Survival genre that provides extra challenges in it that makes The Legend Of Zelda Breath of the Wild became one of the games I like most in 2017 ago. and other uniqueness is the extreme circumstances of some elements that can make Link in danger like, cold if it is on ice mountains without thick clothing, Link can die, so I suggest you should be able to find and make cool clothes for in areas that have temperature minus otherwise Link could die.
and If you play in the volcano area without having good protection Links will also get burned and end up being Steak Barbeque (hahahahaha). I almost forgot, my advice If you are in the rainy area you should take shelter, if you run at will in the rain storm with lightning, because it will make Link struck by lightning I do not know why it can be struck by lightning, maybe because I always carry a sword that can deliver electricity to Link's body, so my advice should be careful. Hyrule memank provides a beautiful place to explore, but can also bring death many to Link if the gamers are not careful.
in this game I feel funny because links in this game is equipped with a so-called Sheikah Smartphone Tablet. not like the Smartphone in the world nyatta now, but as a smart device to help eradicate acts Link Ganon, Sheikah ijuga Tablet could be a pair of binoculars to see the distance, and to mark some areas that want you to meet. Another kunikan contained in Sheikah Tablet is this tool also can provide sound and vibration sensors can help us to help provide a clue if we were near the shooting went to a special place called Shrine. and the device is also pdaa when I play can show where the location of the item that is closest to us, in my opinion that is given Nintendo's feature in this game is very helpful because with this tool we can explore with ease.
actually there are many more as well as features for crafting materials and places for cooking and many more features that can help in this game in because I am very sleepy, so for you who have read the review about the game The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of the Wild , I ahrap with this review you guys will be interested to play this game and also can give an opinion about this game, so I think this game is very recommendation for the likes of adventure and you will like this game seperrti me, okay so much from me, once again me hope you guys like my review, keep follow me @sharmlock and ressetem to share to other gamers who want to know some game reviews from me, good evening steemian I say thank you guys all who have supported me on gaming and review that I give. I will also give Videos that I get from some sources and tips yes ng bgus for adventure in this Zelda world.

It's a must for all the gamer's out there old and the new one's. Ask from a zelda fan, they will definitely trade anything for it.
yes you are a friend, this zelda game is very famous in the past for those who have Console Nitendo up to now, gamers should try this game, because this game is very challenging and full of obstacles for who play this game, thanks for the comments given.
I am an old Nitendo lover and experiencing that and even more enhanced and challenging makes it one of a kind. Sure followed you for the work you do. keep it sharing.
Great Post Dude! i Love all the Zelda games, haven't got a chance to play this one yet though!
I do gaming news and stuff, id appreciate it if youd check out my page ! :D
thanks buddy, I am also happy if my review provides benefits for others