[Dota2]Fresh Meat! Counter The Fat Pudge Dota 2 with 5 Hero It Makes Him Powerless

in #gaming7 years ago


Pudge becomes the more commonly chosen hero in every Dota 2 match, either in normal match or in ranked match. Not without reason the hero who became gacoan Dendi's popularity skyrocketed sharply, it's because arcana special items special pudge new release. Do not confuse this way counter Pudge Dota 2!

Pudge is a hero who has a strength attribute with a unique skill set, with his one skill he can pull the enemy hero closely and quickly finish him off. Pudge can also be very annoying at the end of the game.

If many heroes die near him he will automatically get a permanent status strength bonus of 2.5 points. Coupled with talent level 25, STR points that he can add up to 4.5 points.

It makes Pudge can be very difficult to kill because in addition to his HP a kerad and a lot, his magic resistance is also quite high. But do not worry because through this article we will tell how to counter Pudge Dota 2 with five hero choices!

1. IO


The first Hero of the five list of heroes for how to counter Pudge Dota 2 is IO, "Loh IO's role is always support, how to support ngalahin core hero?" IO can not beat Pudge directly, but by playing IO correctly then beat Pudge not a difficult matter.

We all know very well that IO can make hero that support becomes immune due to the regeneration effect of his tether and overcharge skills. While Pudge if already doing hook and will kill his opponent he must activate the root that also gives him damage.

When a friend's hero is exposed to hook, root and dismember, IO will do the tether by using regeneration items. IO can also relocate to hero friends who were kidnapped by Pudge. Therefore IO is one of the counters to make the Pudge skill set become less useful.

2. Lone Druid


Syllabear or better known as Lone Druid is also a frightening specter for Pudge users. How not if you are dealing with a reliable Lone Druid user, you seem to be beaten by two heroes at once, Lone Druid and a bear named Alfredo who summon him.

Pudge will be confused to choose a hit against who, if he hit a Alfredo then Lone Druid will easily kill the pudge because he can do a long-distance hit. So it's clear he's going to hit the hero Lone Druid.

It is also not easy and may not be possible, because the Lone Druid users must also provide good items for the bear, damage from the bear is also not less painful than Lone Druid. Even if you can not kill Pudge, at least the bear can use his skill to give effect to the fear of pudge.

3. Broodmother


The third hero for the counter way Pudge Dota 2 comes from Agility or AGI line, he is a spooky Broodmother spider who can hide anywhere. Why with Broodmother? As we know Pudge is a less agile hero because of his fat body (?).

With Spin Web's skill Broodmother will be very difficult to catch even more by heroes like Pudge. Although it has a skill called Hook that can reach anywhere, but not an easy thing to catch this spider mama this one.

Broodmother would easily get in and out of the trees and it would be difficult for Pudge to catch up with him, so Broodmother could easily kill or at least lure Pudge to make his HP low and choose to go home.

Not to mention the added damage from his spiderling that makes HP Pudge faster run out.

4. Puck


The fourth hero we can use to counter the Pudge's fat is Puck, it's a bit like-it looks like the name, but they're different and have nothing to do. Puck is INT hero that is quite agile because it can jump there and there, really.

With his Illusory Orb skill he can move from one place to another. So if he is hit by a hook pudge and has already released his Illusion Orb, before being hit by a dismember he can move places. In addition, Puck can avoid any attacks launched by Pudge with his phase shift.

Build items from Puck can also affect the success rate of kill by Pudge against him. If a puck makes a Linken Sphere then Pudge will not be able to use his dismember towards Puck.

Puck also has a very high magic damage at the beginning of the game, utilizing this you can easily kill Pudge and make growth from Pudge hampered.

5. Batrider


The fifth or last hero we can use to counter the Pudge is Batrider, why Batrider? This hero is actually not much different from Broodmother, with his firefly skill he can fly past all obstacles or obstacles that exist.

Pudge will be very difficult to catch Batrider due to firefly skill, plus this skill also gives a considerable damage persecond. If Pudge turns on his two skill rot, then the incoming damage will get bigger.

In addition, Batrider's first skill that is Sticky Napalm will make Pudge movement speed slower. Pudge is also one of the heroes that depend on turnrate, what is it turnrate? We will discuss in other articles.

To position Hook, not infrequently Pudge must rotate the body and with a low turnrate due to the effect of sticky napalm it will be difficult for him to land a Hook one hundred percent precise and accurate.

The essence of this article counter Pudge Dota 2 is, you should as much as possible take advantage of the movement speed of Pudge is low and not too agile. Because it takes skill to produce a hook with perfect accuracy.

So as long as you can read and avoid the hook pudge well then your congratulations will be great opportunity. Also Pudge who at the beginning of the game have physical and magical defense that is not too high you can use also to easily kill it.

In addition to using hero who is fairly agile in terms of movement speed, you can also use heroes that have many summon units like Enchantress, Chen and Lycan, so when you are locked by Pudge, your summon unit can easily attack him.

More or less like that way counter Pudge Dota 2 by using five heroes we have selected, you have your own way?

image @rizarahmad