A 10-year-old Halo themed 12-pack of Mountain Dew and where to draw the line.

in #gaming7 years ago


Yes, that is my 12-pack of Mountain Dew Citrus Cherry Halo 3 Game Fuel <...gasp...> that was released over ten years ago to promote the release of Halo 3 on the Xbox360. I don’t even like Halo games, so why the hell do I have this? And better yet, with me being fully aware that I don’t particularly like Halo games and with it being unlikely that I will ingest this 11-year-old Mountain Dew, why do I still have this unopened half-case of pop?

Yes, I said pop. I’m from Nebraska and that’s what we call it.

Gaming offers a tremendous number of items with the logos of our favorite franchises plastered all over them. Super Mario cereal, Call of Duty Doritos, Kirby toothbrushes, Angry Birds diapers, Tomb Raider pregnancy tests, Minecraft spackle.

You could drape your home in gaming garb from top to bottom if you wanted. As a kid, I drooled over the J.C. Penney catalogs which featured pristine children’s bedrooms completely furnished with Super Mario Bros. items from floor to ceiling. The reach of gaming has gotten even more embedded into our culture in 2018, where we’re bombarded with game tie-ins for everyday products.

The collector in me refuses to yield


We recently spent some time clearing out our storage room to turn it into a playroom for my daughters. Tucked away in the back of the room was my long-forgotten 12-pack of Halo Mountain Dew.

I pulled it out to admire this newly discovered treasure. That admiration quickly turned to confusion as I pondered why I still had this. It’s probably going to taste like antifreeze now (at least more like antifreeze than normal) and I have no attachment to the franchise. Why do I still have this?


Its because I’m a collector. Even if I don’t see value in this brick of decade-old Mountain Dew emblazoned with the image of Master Chief, some Halo fans out there will be happy to know that this part of Halo history has been preserved.

That revelation made me feel a bit better about storing this case of pop since before Obama took office. I set it aside and figured I would just decide what to do with it later. As I continued to clean out the room, I found one more Halo item I kept in storage for all these years...


Damn it. A Burger King sack? Really?

So are there any oddball collectibles that you hold onto that should have been discarded a long time ago? Let's discuss.


Thanks for reading. As always, upvotes, resteems and comments are appreciated!

Image sources: photos by retro-room


Old collection brings back old memories, whether good or bad or better still the cherished ones. I once had to pull out a comic I drew ten years out of the store.. Boy oh boy...

I never felt so alive.
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I love the Game Fuel flavored Mountain Dew, but I buy it to drink. I really do think it's cool you've saved it this long though. The LA Beast on YouTube drank and old bottle of Crystal Pepsi a couple of years ago (and barfed it all back up on camera a little while later), and people are into all sorts of weird eating/drinking challenges. Maybe the "Halo 3 Game Fuel Challenge" will become a thing one day, and we'll all blame you for the resulting trips to the ER. :)

I have a six pack of shaq Pepsi from his rookie year

I am like @floede in that I have an assortment of collectibles but none really belong to a collection other than being MY collection. Probably the one that takes up the most space and I can't put anywhere is a Pokemon Trading Card Game point-of-purchase ceiling hang. Though I mainly keep it because I was on the design team that made it #humblebrag1523724961060-1956771361.jpg

That is pretty awesome though

I'm both an avid an terrible collector.

I have old video games, books, vinyl records, toys and card games. My girlfriend would probably say I hoard stuff.
And that's true in the sense that I just keep things I find interesting more than I add them to some collection.

For instance I have all manners of weird little Star Wars paraphernalia. Every time McDonald's or Kellogg's etc have some promotion with a Star Wars item, I keep it.
But they're just laying around, I couldn't tell you where that miniature Star Destroyer with a suction cup came from or how long I've had it :-)