E3's Devil May Cry 5 - Devil May Cry Series Analysis

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Hey guys!
A few weeks ago we had the E3 conference, the maximum gathering for all of us who just love the gaming industry. We had a few reveals like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with ALL the previous characters from the franchise, Cyberpunk 2077, Gears of War 5, Shadows Die Twice, Halo Infinite, Unravel 2 which was available on that same day (that’s crazy!), Ghosts of Tsushima and many more.


While all of the conference was absolutely great, there was a reveal that caught me off guard and it was Devil May Cry 5. I didn’t even remember how much I needed this game to happen and I know God heard my prayers. For all of us who played through the entire series and got pretty confused on who Nero was or how did he got his Demon Arm, a Devil May Cry 5 was mandatory to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I also loved the reboot DmC: Devil May Cry which I played in my PS3 but we’ll discuss that later. Let us make a quick review over the series, shall we?


  • Devil May Cry

In the first game of the series we got introduced to this badass gunslinger/swordmaster Dante, who is a half-demon half-human Demon Hunter (with a real case of bad luck) who runs a shop called Devil May Cry which his main objective is to get rid of the demons of the world if the paid is good. Although this game was supposed to be part of the Resident Evil series in the early part of its development, it was nice to see that this project became one of the all-stars of the Playstation 2.


This game had crazy moves and combos, puzzles, demons, a hot blond and my entire devotion. It was one of the games that got me hooked on the PS2 along with Okami, God of War and Monster Hunter. Given the story which even had an emotional peak with the Nelo Angelo/Vergil’s reveal, the gameplay and the soundtrack I can say that this game was an 7/10 for me.

  • Devil May Cry 2

I know what you are thinking. If you got to play this game after playing the first entry, it was kind of a downer. We got a more mature and obscure Dante, a city with just a little bit of goth style (different than the castle and goth references that we had in Devil May Cry 1) and less bad-assery from the main character. The story was kind of bland, the villain and the side characters just didn’t quite made it to my heart. the last boss was a dissapoint to me considering that the graphics for this fight were pretty simple.


This forgettable entry got a 5/10 from me and believe it did hurt since it was a Devil May Cry for crying out loud!

  • Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s awakening.

Now this is where the series just got serious. This is actually a prequel where the main character is a younger, sassier and reckless Dante who got boarded by a weird bald guy with a weird eye that just got off from the Elm’s Street nightmare (c’mon, I know you thought that too) with an invitation for chaos. We also have a young Vergil who is this ruthless, methodic and analytic Dante’s twin brother. He has the exact opposite personality of Dante, who has a chronic case of “I’m too sexy for my shirt” disease. This game had it all going! The soundtrack, the bosses, the weapons and the stages where all on point. Nothing came to waste in this entry.


Bonus points: Even if all of the last games had a Special Edition or second disc where you could play as the side character (Trish and Lucia), this one had Vergil as the other playable character and that’s all I ever wanted. A total 8/10 for me.

  • Devil May Cry 4

In this game we got to the basic of the series: churches and castles, killer metal soundtracks and CUH-RAY-ZEE combos goth style. But there is a big difference and it is that the main character is a mysterious young guy who goes by the name of Nero and have an equally mysterious Demon arm and not our beloved Dante. This was a little rough to digest but since the game was so good and the new mechanics that Nero brought to the franchise, the transition to a new main character was smooth as silk.
We do not get to play only as Nero, later on the game we can play as our beloved Dante which in this game he has this irreverent attitude that you just gotta love. I also remember this game’s difficulty peaks. You went from wrecking everything with a few combos to getting wreck’d by the Thunder Lizzard Demons and Ice Lizzard Demons. This was a great update from Devil May Cry 3 and had amazing boss battles.


Oh! Let’s not forget about Dante’s new weapons and their intro videos, those were really cool back in the day. This is a solid masterpiece for me, 9/10.

DmC: Devil May Cry

Now we got to an interesting debate. There were people who just hated this game, others only accepted it as “enjoyable” but, me? I really enjoyed this game although the story was a little bit cringey and too “punk”. We got introduced a younger (again) Dante who you just lives his live between girls, booze and punk rock. This time he is Nephilim, the son of a demon and an angel who happens to be involved with the current events on a decadent city due to the mischief of Mundus and Lilith.
This time we got a more colorful and visceral game on the hand of Ninja Theory. There were different weapons which made you adapt to new buttons input and a different way to change the battle's flow. We even got a wink to the older games with a pun involving Dante and a white wig.


While this entry of the series got some bland points, it was surely a great game and an enjoyable adventure. Let us say that, without playing the Definitive Edition on the PS4, I would give this awesome game an 8.5/10.


While we wait for the newly announced Devil May Cry 5, it's a good chance to replay all the games in the series except for Devil May Cry 2 and have our fingers ready for the button-smashing stravaganzza! This games are available for PC and Consoles, even Devil May Cry 4 and DmC had a Special edition for the PlayStation 4 if you would like to play the best version.

I will keep giving you some reviews in the near future, so, stay tuned!
