Rise of Steemit: Steemit Ironman #6 (Europa Universalis IV)

in #gaming8 years ago

Hello Steem Folk!

Today we'll be continuing our Steemit campaign. For the previous episode, click HERE.

Last time we were beaten down by the devils in Mali and forced to cede land in order to survive.

Let's get started.

A New Era of Steemit:

While we still have a developing colony in Barbados, we must decide what to do next. Our options have been cut down by Mali and the European colonizers.

We hear of a strange new religion sprouting in Brandenburg that seems to be nothing more than Protestantism with some slight changes.

Our friends in Oyo call us to war, but seeing it as a suicide mission, we decline.

Word comes of a colonial charter in Cape Verde. Our desire to stay ahead of the game makes us choose to adopt it, causing colonialism to spread from Cape Verde to Arguin relatively quickly.

With not much else to do, we send a fleet of explorers to the sea around our new lands.

Songhai calls us to war against Mali. Another suicide mission. We decline, saying goodbye to our friends in Africa.

With Barbados now a burgeoning city, we send a colonist too St. Vincent nearby.

We seek the riches of the natives to the west on the mainland and declare war without justification.

In the initial battle, we are outnumbered, but technologically advanced. We barely managed to push the natives back.

We retreat and regroup, but while we rest, Muisca has declared war on our enemy as well. We begin too build a larger army to try and take their land quickly.

With the Muiscan army sieging our enemy's capital, we decide it's high time we attack them as well. Perhaps we can take even more land.

Alas, the Muiscans crush our enemy, but we persevere and attempt to salvage this war.

With enough splendor, we pick up religious wars. This will allow us to make more demands with our warscore.

While attempting to lay siege to the enemy, their massive army comes. We barely manage to defeat them, but we retreat to regroup yet again. They follow us and crush our army as we are low on men.

We are forced to bribe the Muiscans with ducats to let our men live. This is an embarrassing day for Steemit.

Uncertain of what to do next, we send a colonist to St. Lucia. St. Vincent has become a nice city.

With a strange idea in our head, we move our capital to Cape Verde. The idea is that we can potentially move our capital to the Caribbean, much like in the Knights campaign.

No one will buy Arguin though, so we come up with an even more cheesy plot. WARNING: what you are about to see is finely aged cheese.

We go to war with Mali and force them to take Cape Verde in the war.

This automatically moves our capital to St. Vincent. MAXIMUM CHEESE ACHIEVED.

And with that, we end this episode. While things may seem bleak for Steemit, we have a new plan, this one more cheesey than the last by a wide margin.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next episode.

Please upvote, resteem, and comment if you like.

This is P5ych0path, signing off.


This is badass. I cannot play RTS games worth a shit but anything on steem that i see that is interesting or something I never seen before I would like to check out.

I highly recommend games by Paradox Interactive.

I will have to look at this company who is thing 2 why did this post go nuts?

Cheese head shit