Happy Sunday Steamian gamers !! Happy Evening steemian wherever you are. Hopefully healthy condition always and always be in the protection of God Almighty. Reunite today with @muhammadarsyad, on this day we can meet again in this happy day. It's great that I can meet again with gamers lover, of course you have been waiting not about my posting today. This opportunity allows me to share with you a new character about games Street Fighter. Maybe you are wondering with me about what I am going to post today instead, hehehe. Well this time I will post a character with female gender type and my post today is Character Street Fighter - Juri. do we directly refer to his review of steemian?

Five months have passed since Street Fighter V was released, and up till now the update wave for the game is still coming regularly. In this July Capcom bring yet another character that has been much awaited fans, the jury. Although only appeared since Super Street Fighter IV, the jury was quickly popular, even became one of the mainstay of professional players from Japan Yusuke Momochi. This South Korean girl is back on Street Fighter V with a taekwondo expertise that focuses on fast movements. The jury has a V-Skill movement called Kasatsushu that allows him to slip behind the enemy and launch a kick all of a sudden. The longer you press the V-Skill button, the stance will get stronger.
If you use V-Trigger, the jury will activate the Feng Shui Engine embedded in his left eye to strengthen himself. As long as the Feng Shui Engine is active, the jury can connect every attack of his own to other attacks on both land and air. This condition can you use to string long combos and give a big damage to the enemy. The update containing the Jury will launch for PS4 and Steam on July 26th. Along with that, Capcom also offers some new premium costumes. Available costumes with alternative hairstyles for the Jury, as well as three summer-themed costumes each for Cammy, Ibuki, and Laura. Each costume you can buy for US $ 3.99 (about Rp52.000). You can peek at the sightings of these costumes as well as the various jury actions below.

And like the previous update, Capcom is again selling clothes ... look inside what kind of exclusive costumes for this secret agent from South Korea! Capcom has also provided a major update for Street Fighter V starting July 1, 2016. Along with Ibuki, Capcom will also enter a new cinematic story mode, called Cinematic Story Mode, for Street Fighter V. Not a story of every character you can play now, additional expansion in the middle of his fashion story, and the background is taken between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III. This expansion will bridge between what happens between the two stories in both the games. This cinematic expansion of the story will be the first in the middle of the Street Fighter series. Details such as what expansion titled "A Shadow Falls" is already we have written in the previous article.
Then another character that was originally planned to open later this year with Juri and Urien, namely Balrog, was opened access earlier with Ibuki. You guys are not just trying it during Cinematic Story Mode expansion, but can also buy it directly if you want to have it and played out the expansion of the story. Another surprise Capcom disclosed during the San Diego Comic-Con 2016 event. They do not want you to wait any longer, and will soon open your access to play the jury starting July 26, 2016 later. During the Comic-Con Juri was playable in Capcom's booth. The jury will appear later with other costume packages from Capcom, Premium Battle (you can see below for example). First introduced during Super Street Fighter IV, the Jury is an agent of S.I.N., or Shadaloo Intimidation Network, the weapons division of a criminal group that became the main antagonist of the Street Fighter series. He is from South Korea, and uses the code name "Spider," and works under Seth's command (which he had defeated before, and his mission this time is also told in A Shadow Falls). A sadistic fighter, and so enjoys the violence and likes to torture his enemies and consider it a pleasure. Triggered by Shadaloo's hatred and M.Bison for killing his parents, the jury joins S.I.N. to take revenge, and not to care about who to kill to achieve his goal.

Like another old fighter, Juri returns with a new look, as well as some fighting tricks, which is the development of Taekwondo's mastered science (seen through various quick-kick techniques). He also relies on a ki booster called Feng Shui and is attached to his left eye to help during the fight. The movements that characterize him are fireball attacks powered by ki, as well as spin kicks. The jury charges power and approaches the enemy, then kicks him from behind. The jury can save the Kasatsushu power by restraining this V-Skill command. As long as he holds his energy, he can cancel Kasatsushu anytime by forward or backward dash. Interestingly, he still gets the power that has been collected even though it has been canceled. The jury activates the Feng Shui Engine which allows him to abort all his standard attacks, whether in the air or on land, to each other. In addition, any Fuharenkyaku attack force will also stay awake in the last condition when energy is stored.
A very strong kick to the enemy, and hit them several times. DLC characters and additional Street Figjter V costumes can be purchased using Fight Money, or through PS Store and Steam. Yes, use original money! Alternatively, buy cheap Season Pass alternatives. Here's how much the content of this game costs when purchased using Fight Money or real money. Last week fighting game Street Fighter V again gained a new character that will now be played, where Capcom has announced the figure of a female character named Juri, the information is announced in the San Diego Comic Con event that has been going on. Well, certainly for Kotakers who have not understood the jutsu owned by the jury, Capcom also released a trailer trailer that explains the moves and moves that are owned under this article. The Jury's character first appeared on the Street Fighter IV series which is an agent of the group named S.I.N. from South Korea who have codename "Spider" and work under Seth. Like any other character on Street Fighter V, the Jury will also have the ability to use V-Trigger, V-Skill, and Critical Art.

In addition, Capcom has also provided several Premium Battle Costumes for the Jury who will be present along with the presence of Jury content. Well, the content of Jury and other characters have been present on July 26, 2016 yesterday. Street Fighter V will be the arrival of another character, this time that appears is the jury of Street Fighter IV. The jury will begin to be played on July 26 at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8: 00 p.m. ET, Capcom said on the Street Fighter Nation panel at Comic-Con San Diego. Summer costumes will also appear soon. The jury will be equipped with V-Skill Kasatsushu which is an auto crossover attack. V-Trigger of the Feng Shui Engine Type Alpha, which causes the jury to blast the whole attack into the next attack. Critical Art: Sakkai Fuhazan, a crescent moon attack that will result in streak damage.
Capcom announced the fifth additional character that will join Street Fighter V late this July, the Jury. The jury was first introduced on Super Street Fighter IV. The jury is an agent of S.I.N. who came from South Korea with the codename: "Spider", who works for Seth. The jury is available for free through Cinematic Story on previous updates. However, after this latest update, the jury can be purchased through the Shop menu for 100,000 Fight Money and can play in other modes. And for those of you who have bought Season Pass from Street Fighter V, will get the jury along with his Battle Outfit costume for free. The jury is the fifth DLC character from six to be released Capcom this year. In addition to the Jury, Capcom also announced three Premium Summer Costumes for Cammy, Laura and Ibuki, along with a Jury update. Each costume will be priced at US $ 3.99. If there is no obstacle, all updates can be downloaded from July 26, 2016.

Written by: @muhammadarsyad
Indonesia, 11 February 2018

On this day that's what I can share with steemian gamers about Street Fighter's character reviews on this Sunday afternoon season and hopefully add a soft insight into game character information especially the street fighter game series. As for the review this time can be your game character in playing the game or after play it. Everything I share with my steemian from the results I read and I add in accordance with the references in some books and social media. Maybe this is just me who can share with lovers of steemian gamers, Hope You Like It. Thanks.

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