Hallo Steemian Gamers !! Good Night Steemian wherever you are. Happy activity wherever you are, good luck always in running every activity that you do. Hopefully in this day your condition is healthy always and always be in the protection of God Almighty. Reunite with @muhammadarsyad, I'm never tired of sharing reviews about games to steemian gamers who always wanted and wanted to play games that can be known what if cool and fun to play. Surely all the games worth playing must be said to be excited by many young to adult. On this Saturday Night I will share interesting information to you about the characters on the same Street Fighter series in the previous post. Well, surely you've been curious is not it? This post I will be posting about the Street Fighter Dhalsim Character. Want to know what kind of reviews will I share with steemian gamers? Let's look carefully ..

At first I will tell you first about dhalsim characters on the street fighter game series with definitions that I will review to you first. Simultaneously with the announcement of the release date of Street Fighter V, which was revealed during Sony Computer Entertainment's press conference in the midst of Paris Games Week which took place in France, Capcom also introduced us an old character who will return to compete in Street Fighter V. He is Dhalsim , a fighter that you must remember because of the ability of yoga that dikuasainya, his body becomes flexible, can extend to the range of further attacks, even spewing fire is now shown more burnt than ever before. Dhalsim completes its character roster, now a fighter, of the 16 promised Capcom at the start of the game on February 16, 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and PC. Other characters that have been confirmed include Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Vega, M. Bison, Birdie, Charlie Nash, Necalli, R. Mika, Rashid, Karin, Zangief, and Laura. Capcom will update the list throughout 2016, with six other fighters. At the end of 2016, this game fighter totals to 22. In addition to new fighters, content, costumes, challenge and also update balancing for the system they will provide throughout the year 2016.

Okay, I'll be scribbling a bit closer to the character's character. The Dhalsim character is the figure of a pacifist from India who struggles to raise money for the village and the area around his scope, but he realizes this is against his pacifist beliefs. Then Dhalsim begins to use the skeletal skeleton of the starving children on his neck to remind himself, Why did the Dhalsim start fighting ???. Wahh, a very impressive question is not it? Of course this is the people began to question with it. Dhalsim has a supernatural style, Dhalsim also choose the ability to breathe with fire, then has a teleport stance around the arena and attacks with stretchy limbs. The story made him retire at the end of the second World Warrior tournament that roamed the world, helping anyone in need, but returned to fight on Street Fighter IV. Dhalsim has a body fostur with a height 5'9 1/4 "(176 cm), and her weight is 106 lbs (48 kg).

Then Dhalsim returns, and anyone who does not know the character since Street Fighter II, must understand this character has a very flexible range of attacks. Somehow with his elongated arms and legs or a slow-moving fire projectile, it could get anyone whose focus continues to attack the inconvenience to get close to him. During his life Dhalsim was known as a pacifist, he opposed violence. But to save others, he is the most reliable steemian. Like when he once tried to raise money for poor people in his territory, until he had to destroy a dam that was built to hold water flowing through his village. Dhalsim is always there when the weak need. Extraordinary is not it?

In this Street Fighter V game series, Character Dhalsim is not just a mere design change. We can tell that especially on the chin, with a thick white beard, and his bare head is not visible because it is covered in a turban. As for his fighting moves, he learns some new Yoga tricks, in the form of V-Skill, namely Yoga Float, and also V-Trigger, in the form of Yoga Burner. Then after the movement of this variable is activated, Dhalsim will drift for a few seconds that have been locked with the his jutsu. And when that happens, all the attacks that are launched from the air and special movements can also be launched as you float in the udata. This movement can also be activated while he is in the air by jumping. Dhalsim softens the flow of fire that keeps on the screen, especially on the floor, for a while. If the enemy stands above the blaze, they slowly lose their health by burning and taking damage. But once they get out of the blaze, their health is back.

If you want to know some combo techniques in the Dhalsim character series in Street Fighter game and can be used play game. Well I will share a few tips through the links that I met in some sources and now you can enjoy below:

Full Name: Dhalsim
Birthdate: November 22
Nationality: Indian
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Relationships: Sagat
Fighting Style: Yoga
Occupation: Village Priest
Debut: Street Fighter II
Vitality: 900
Tag Partner: Sagat
Written by: @muhammadarsyad
Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia, 3 Febuary 2018

That's what I can share about the character reviews on the Street Fighter Characters game series, and hopefully add friends gentle insights about game character information. These reviews can also be your reference to be able to understandback game characters in you play the game or after play it. Everything I share with the steemian is the result of an article I read and I add in accordance with the existing references. So on this Saturday Night that I can share with gamers lovers of steemian, hopefully you can love it. Thanks.

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