Mazer Gaming Welcomes alicciaah!

in #gaming9 months ago (edited)

Gamer Tag: alicciaah

Years Streaming: I started streaming in November 2022!

Favorite Video Game Franchise(s): Fable, Life Is Strange, Pokemon

Primary Hobbies: Reading, video games, music!

"I’m still a small streamer that does a variety of games (mostly horror, though). I started streaming primarily Phasmophobia and was able to grow a small community playing that consistently; I decided I wanted to start branching out to other horror-related games, such as Dead by Daylight and smaller Indie horror games. I had to take a small break for a few months as I got extremely busy with IRL stuff and school, but I have been slowly coming back to full speed after I moved to a different country and life has started to settle down a bit."

When asked about what she wants to accomplish during her time with Mazer, alicciaah had this to say, “I’m looking forward to being able to grow within a team and to be able to learn more about content creation and how other people do it! I am also excited to be able to make new connections within the Mazer team!”

You can find alicciaah’s socials here:

Twitter: ++

Twitch: ++

YouTube: ++

Tiktok: ++