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RE: STEAM Games For Crypto/STEEM - Weekly List (2018 Aug 30)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

You can replace it with this 4 thumbnails . I just think you need to make them more readable and clear :)

I don't have problem with buying games even if they are from bundles. If I can buy game cheaper than it is in bundle why not? :D

And yes I would by game by using steem on @dgameshop if I had right amount of cash or steem price will go up :D

I think even in thumbnail like borderlands you can put 3-4 games at once spliting them on picture. To be honest - if you are selling AAA games everybody knows them :D

About selling games by steem. I think this can be future especially when steem will be at 2$ for 1 Steem. I like buying games and if I will have option to buy game cheaper or easier without changing steem to fiat and then buying game directly on steam that will be usefull.

I think as @OPGroup we can get big enough in future that you will be able to buy games without hesitating because all your post will have high rewards :D and if you will be able to get 10 steem daily because of rewards for daily work, why there will be a problem to buy game when game cost 8 steem or 9 or even 20 Steem :D


Thanks again for your opinion... Here's another two questions

  • Do you think I could use some of the format here in my future game stores? I've been experimenting and this is what I come up with.

  • Since you implied that you'd be glad to pay with STEEM. What's the game that you'll buy instantly if you saw in my store and what's the max price you're willing to pay for it? Listing more games will help me more.

Max price is not the good question. IF I will have 1000 Steem I can pay 60 steem easily.
What type of game dosn't counts too but I think of new big games. Let's say you have Fallout 76 - preorder and you have it cheap like 39$ and I will buy it.

And yes you can use format where you want :D

Congrats, you're one of the winners, Thanks for answering all my questions, and being there for me.

For now you can check my new shop!

Didn't realize that before, thanks for telling me. It makes sense!

Max price is not the good question. IF I will have 1000 Steem I can pay 60 steem easily.

And yes you can use format where you want :D

Will make a post about my new 'suggested' format soon. I'll mention you in the group when I do so.

Thank you :D