Free PS4 games for only 5$ a Month / Mad Max

in #gaming7 years ago


EA opened up the service to other publishers last month, and it's added lots of impressive games since, from the first three Arkham games to The Witness. Regardless of what you think of EA as a publisher, it's becoming harder and harder to argue with the price tag of $5/£4 a month, or $30/£20 for the whole year, given the quality of the games that it gives you access to.

You can browse the full list here.

The eight new games are:

Prison Architect
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (from the developers of A Way Out)
Virginia, the first-person narrative game inspired by Twin Peaks
Ember, another isometric RPG
Spore (God, remember that?)
Mad Max
Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition
Torment: Tides of Numenera