Maaaaan, I've had an amazing experience with the watch dogs franchise, when everybody hated the first one, I loved it, everyone was complaining about how glichy and unpolished the game was (and it's true) but I loved it cuz I think the story it tells, about this guy that ruined his life just for vengeance and looses his only family for the same reason, just to get his vengeance and then realizing he screwed up his whole life for something he could have ignored, it's poetic man, it shows a reality, in life, once you get involved in crime, you never come out of it. I don't know, for me it's awesome, and when Watch_Dogs 2 released I went to purchase it so fast just for revisiting this universe that ubisoft had created, I'm 100% agree with you on the review, man, keep it up
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