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RE: The Illusion of Choice in Gaming

in #gaming7 years ago

This is an amazing topic and I think it's one of the reasons the witcher series stands out as such a stable in RPG's now. I like games with a reputation system because it's a reflection of your choices in another manner, I just feel like many games with this don't implement it well; for example in kingdom come your reputation for the city goes down even if absolutely no one sees you steal/pickpocket from someone. I really like how the game reacts to your clothes/apearance/reputation and I just wish they took it that one extra step to make you feel like your decisions matter.

****Very early (first hour of game) and very minor spoiler ahead, I did keep it pretty vague too*****

Another example is near the very start of the game you have the option to try and rescue a girl, but even if you don't try to rescue her she still survives and you still have a chance to be with her. When it's happening, it really gives you this gut wrenching moral decision but no matter what you choose it just doesn't matter bc the outcome will be the same later.

It does sadden me though that the game only has one set ending because I feel like it just has so much potential with the scope of the story.


The Witcher 3 has become the one I compare all other RPGs to. It might be a little unfair, but CDPR set the bar really high with that one and I do think it's time for other developers to get with the program! :)

It does feel like the developers of KCD either didn't have the time to fine tune the reaction system, or don't have the experience for it? I know my reputation dropping whether anyone sees me stealing or not would drive me insane.

Urgh, I hate that! I hate it when a game ranks up the stakes and then goes "lol never mind," which completely takes me out of the experience. If the game doesn't really care about the decisions you make, why should the player? :(