Mobile Legend is not just a fighter and tank only, we have discussed for some heroes but not for hero support. A complete team must have the right composition to get a balanced match in addition to the attacker should still have a helper or so-called support hero. This time we will discuss is some hero support is quite distressing opponent when in the team, even among them there is very difficult to die though because of skill and regeneration fast. Because of the great skill and damage the attack has when combined with the fighter type hero, many gamers choose one particular hero to be played continuously.
'Support' hero is very helpful in increasing the damage and regenerate the HP team, not to mention the ability of areas such as crowd control, stun and dealer damage in killing the enemy. Hero-hero support in Mobile Legend not only as a complement, they have an important role in the team. Using hero Support in Mobile Legends is also a fun experience. Here are some heroes Mobile Legends Support is quite inconvenient even among them always banned in Draft Pick. If we look in the game Pro Player there must be one player who has a fixed role support.
The previous Guide Mobile Legends can be read here:
- Balmond Guide and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #7
- How to Use Hayabusa and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #6
- How to Use Zhask and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #5
- How to Use Lesley and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #4
- Odette Will Be Removed From Mobile Legends Shop? #3
1. Diggie
Although including a new hero that has not been too long released, Diggie is a support hero who is diurutan first and very reliable when playing Mobile Legends. Often a Banned target in the Draft Pick, Skill-skill has made him in nobatkan as hero Support is very helpful and troublesome opponent. Even if the opponent has a hero like Akai or Kagura he will be the main enemy of the opposing members. No wonder he is always in Banned if the opponent wants to use the services of Akai, Kagura dahn other heroes who have the skills area.
The second skill of DIggie is Reverse Time, which is able to return the opponent to the desired point quite useful in the attack and trap the opponent. Hero and escape skills like Harley will hate this skill very much. Despite being murdered Diggie can still move and use his skills in the form of a sucks telu. Immunity from the crowd control attack and give the shield for 5 seconds will be obtained team members.
2. Estes
if you already play Mobile Legends, then you will be very familiar with this Support hero. Appeared with no crazy skills skill (IMBA) Estes became an idol even though he is a hero support. Killing Estes is very difficult once but over time and some updates that Estes has experienced some Nerf and Down Skill, making users more and more reduced. Estes skill is very useful for the team if only you can play it properly and support it with the right items. Healing is Estes's main skill, and plays an important role in the team.
3. Rafaela
Heal, Damage and increase movement speed is complete enough Support capability is in a hero, and really Hero Support Rafaela have these skills. A versatile hero that is able to keep team members in battle. Skill healing and stun in Rafaela make it a savior and paralyze.
He is also a very suitable Support hero when combined with Fighter. Tank Support, surely you ask how Rafela became a tank. Yes, Rafaela can be quite a tank and HP is great when it is done Build the right item.
4. Angela
Angela is a very overpower Support hero and has great damage. His skill-skills are helpful to protect team members from enemy attacks. Hero who earned the nickname Bunnylove is a Support. Just like any other Support hero, Angela's presence is none other than to give her teammates support. Therefore, no wonder this hero becomes a very useful Support in the team. A similar healing skill like Estes and Rafela enough to make Angela useful in a team war. Not to mention the passive skills that add movement speed up 10% to 30% for 4 seconds and more can be given to a teammate.
5. Nana
Nana hero mage type who has role support in Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends has some hero support disabler, Disable Skill becomes the main capital nana needed in battle. Not to mention the considerable Magic Damage that he has, Nana is a good Support hero in a team, sometimes often underestimated not to make Nana hero weak, only the users are not skilled enough to play Nana combo and teamwork is not good. Excess Nana is a troublesome opponent and disable skill opponent, not to mention the gear is not much can make it quite troublesome since the beginning of the game.
Skill disable "Morph Spell" and "Dragon Cat Summons" are needed when you face escaping heroes quickly like Fanny or Harley as well as heroes have channeling skills like Gord, Akai and so on.
6. Helcurt
helcurt is a hero support in Mobile Legends that is powerful but not popular enough. The massive damage output and terrible late game potential of "The Shadowbringer Helcurt" are still unpopular among players of Mobile legends. Though the Pro Player is still often play it as a support lane hero is able to ruffle the opponent.
Well, that's hero Support in Mobile Legends who can help team members as hero Support. If you have any suggestions or opinions, please comment below.
Read tips and tricks to play Balmond hero in my previous post. Click the link below:
- Balmond Guide and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #7
- How to Use Hayabusa and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #6
- How to Use Zhask and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #5
- How to Use Lesley and Build the Item in Mobile Legends - Mobile Legends Tips #4
- Odette Will Be Removed From Mobile Legends Shop? #3
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Image Credit: Mobile-Legends, Guide Estes Mobile Legends, Mobile Legends Diggie, Guide Rafaela Mobile, Lore Mobile Legends Nana, Guide Helcurt Mobile Legends
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 0.90% vote... I was summoned by @ikhsanfk! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh
3.33% @pushup from @ikhsanfk
I am currently obsessed with Mage heroes. I think the damage is great.