So I am one of those poor bungholes who never pre-ordered a switch and now struggling to find one at its base price. Honestly i was skeptical about the whole thing. Now everytime I try to buy one its either sold out or over-priced. (also id really like to have the blue and red joy con version).
So I was wondering if i can get help from you guys to really finalize my desicion on purchasing one. The only game title i look forward to playing is Zelda:Breath of the Wild only because I dont have much exposure to Nintendo games and Ive been a long time fan of the series. I would appreciate it if youd let me know about your time with the Switch and the games youve played. Thank you!!
Blue-red all the way.
I haven't been able to get one yet, but I will. It will have awesome exclusives.
Ive played it once over at a party with a few friends. We definitely had a good time but i wonder how long that "fun" would last with some of the other games. Def looking for games to play in groups.