League of Legends
- What is League of Legends?
- My experience
- What others think of the game
- The future for the game
- Conclusion
What is League of Legends?
League of Legends is a 5 vs 5 multiplayer online battle arena. The main objective of the game is to destroy the enemy nexus. The team who destroy the enemy nexus first are victorious. League of Legends has more than a hundred champions to play as, as well as rotating game-modes. But the main game-mode is 5 vs 5 Summoner's Rift, which is the map that you play in. Summoner's Rift is a map with 3 lanes - top, mid and bot. Each champion can be assigned to a lane, but there is also a jungle in the game. The jungle is a place for champions that are either specifically made for the jungle or for champions that don't have a hard time ganking any of the lanes and clearing the monsters that spawn in the jungle. Bot lane is a place for the attack damage carry and his support. The ad carry's role is to get really strong and be able to quickly kill any champion with his auto attacks. The mid lane is for champions that deal most of their damage through the use of spells, these usually divide into ability power champions and attack damage champions, which as I already said use spells to deal damage. Then last up we have top lane which is meant mainly for hard to kill champions otherwise known as tanks. Tanks mainly try to absorb all the damage when a 5 vs 5 team-fight breaks out. Of course, these lanes are not just for these exact champions, it all depends on the current meta.
My experience
I've been playing League of Legends for about 5 years now. It's the only game I know that makes you feel frustrated and happy at the same time. Whenever you win you feel great, but when you lose you just want to uninstall the game. So it is obvious that the game is rage inducing. After getting demolished you realize all the things you could have done differently. What I enjoy the most is the competitive aspect of the game. player skill is divided up into divisions and ranks. The divisions you can acquire by playing ranked. To be able to play ranked you need to level up to level 30. As soon as you start a ranked match you are placed in your promotion games, which will determine your division and rank. Divisions are divided into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master and challenger in that order. The points you earn through playing tanked matches are called LP or league points. Whenever you reach a 100LP in a certain rank of a division you will be placed in your promotional games. Each division is as mentioned split up into ranks from 5 to 1, 5 being the lowest. So far I've only gotten to silver 1 because in the first few years of playing I didn't play ranked.
What others think of the game
League of Legends has been the most played game in the world for many years. Millions of people play it every week. And Riot - the creators of the game are a now a multi-million dollar company. Most people who play the game play it for the competitive game modes. most people say that the League community is toxic even overly toxic. And well it all depends on which server you're playing on. Besides the toxicity, there are some great and very interesting League YouTubers who provide their fans with great content.
The future for the game
I can assure this game isn't going anywhere. It's been around since 2007 and well it hasn't lost its relevance at all. League honestly can't even get old because it keeps being updated. Every season is a completely different experience which makes you return to find out what's new. The game's very addictive if you start you just can't stop, it's ridiculous. Even though there are newer more exciting games approaching the horizon LoL as we know it is not going to anywhere. Well, that is my opinion and it might change as time goes on. I guess we'll find out how it goes later.
In conclusion, I have nothing bad to say about League of Legends, it might be a bit buyest, but that's my opinion. Throughout the years of playing, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game plenty of times. It just keeps on making you come back for more. Guess Riot have done a great job.
Thank you for reading!
For more follow @Haisir
Not playing it anymore but had a good time playing it :))
Well I bet it has changed a lot since you last played
Hi @hisir looks like youre a great game reviewer, I want to be just like you and to pick some knowledge from this post I just started here on steemit this day and also posted a game review. Hope youll give me some pieces of advises to post quality content just like yours :)
Thank you, and welcome to Steemit hope you enjoy your stay! My #1 tip is to just write about games that you are knowledgeable about or the ones that you really enjoy, oh yeah and have some structure in your posts. I also recommend checking out @ggteixeira he has some great reviews. I'm certainly not the best here.
Excellent post and excellent review. I love this game and I think it's great. I can say that's one of the primary reasons why I'm here. My pc is damaged and I need to buy the components to return to this wonderful game. Greetings and have a good day.
Thank you for the kind words and I hope your pc components come soon.
Im still waiting for other massive multiplayer fantasy game that can be addicted as league of legends , but i think it will be very hard to make new games in this days that can be addicted like league of legends...the concept of this game was done very well :
Yea I guess it would be nice to get a game like this. But I think that it can't be done as good as LoL.