30 minutes in - Paladins

in #gaming8 years ago

Paladins Beta

Hi peeps!

I haven't been posting a lot lately and for that my apologies. I've been doing a lot of stuff (read: playing WoW: Legion) and I also had a LAN-party for my birthday last weekend! Finally 30! A fine round age. Anyways, I was thinking the other day about going through my complete Steam-library and do "30 minutes" in about every game in there. There are a lot of games in there which I haven't even touched yet. I will accompany those posts by a video of the 30 minutes of gameplay. It will not contain my voice, though I'm thinking about doing something with that as well... A kind of vlog or something. Anyway, here's a quick look at Paladins Beta, a new free to play game from Hi-Rez studios. Keep in mind that I don't have the best hardware and software to record with and that I'm still finding out how to optimize everything.

The Heart

Paladins is a first person Multiplayer Online Battle Arena-game from the creators of Smite. It features distinct "Champion" that each have their own skills. Besides the action part of the game, there's also the option to build your own deck of cards that increase your abilities throughout a match. I haven't really found out a lot about that yet, but I can imagine as you gain more cards, some rare ones will pop up as well, giving you an edge or altering the way you play the game. e.g. More defensively or aggressively. I have no clue yet if there's a main story, but I can imagine that each hero has their own backstory.

The Hands

Gameplay-wise the game plays pretty much like Team Fortress or Overwatch. You pick a class and work together to beat the other team in gaining objectives.

The Eyes

The graphics are okay. The style fits the gameplay perfectly. It doesn't take itself too seriously. Animation-wise it looks okay as well. I've been playing on high detail and I haven't encountered framedrops. It could be that because I was recording, the recording itself may look stuttery. We will see once it's finished rendering and uplading to Youtube.

The Ears

I didn't feel anything special regarding the sound and music. Every character has their own voice and from what I've heard so far, their remarks can be quite entertaining. It complements the rest of the game as well. I didn't get a feeling that it didn't belong there.

The Mind

Overall I like the game and I think I would play it more, but for now there are other games (Legion) that I'm more interested in. I can imagine this game being a great free to play alternative for the currently popular Overwatch. I can also see this game getting a lot more content in the long run if it'll be anything like Smite.

As always, thank you very much for reading/watching. As mentioned above, the plan is to go over all my Steam games, play for about 30 minutes and give my thoughts about them, together with some gameplay footage so stay tuned for more 30 minutes in!

Until then, take care peeps!


Wanna play something together? feel free to leave a comment:).
Also, be sure to check out my girlfriend @mevilkingdom and brother in law @steve-walschot, the creator of SteemPay.io and vouched Steem applications developer.
Previous post: 30 Minutes in - Party Hard


Oh wow, Legion is out? or were you playing beta? I wish I could play that for nostalgia haha.

I liked Paladins, I rememeber buying a beta key from g2a before Overwatch came out, was alright!