Hello Steemians...
Some reviews of this game based on my playing experience and If there is any shortage please advise me again.

~ VOX ~
Killed the Enemy with the Music

One of the coolest heroes in Vainglory is Vox, the hero who kills his enemies with sound or echoes while listening to music! Vox has good farming skills and can do pushing lane quickly. This hero is very suitable placed on the lane, because in addition to the ability of pushing, he has a good harassing ability. To be a strong carry on late gaming later, Vox needs a good and precise item. Therefore, I will provide Vox's guide on items suitable for use by him. This time I will share the build of WP hero Vox. Here are the six items that will be used by it in WP Vox build.
Indeed how to play vox is currently more difficult than it used to be. If you use vox, stutter step will be necessary because the attack speed of this hero is increased from before. In addition stutter step is also very useful to keep the distance between you and the opponent. A good positioning will make it easier for you to eliminate the opponents. But in this game we do not fight alone, it is necessary also a reliable support for your help Vox could be a nightmare for the opponent. Honestly guys, I am very difficult to use vox at this time. I need a few days of adaptation to be comfortable playing Vox. Moreover, I usually use a hero that directly invaded the opponent at the time of clash. But when using Vox I must be smart to keep the distance and see the conditions around. If you want to play this hero in a lane position, make sure you put a scout trap near the bush to avoid an opponent ready to attack from inside the forest.
Previously let's see what skills and abilities Vox has, I suggest you to stay away from the sounds of ultrasound and music played by Vox, because that will kill you. Well, whatever the ability, let's see :

- Barrier of basic attacks and resonance reflections are removed.
- Base health improved from 632-1347 to 695-1465.
- Crystal damage for each attack increases from 24-62 to 34-68.
- The reflected range of Resonance increases from 4.0 to 4.5.
- Only issue 2 attacks to the target affected by the resonance effect.
- Sonic Zoom jumping distance is reduced from 4.5 to 3.5.
- Cooldown skill decreases from 11-7 to 5-3.
- Resonance area increased from 50-65-80-95-125% to 75-85-95-105-125%.
- Not only gives resonance effect to the opponent, but this skill also gives extra crystal damage to the opponent.
From this stats change we can conclude that the current vox character leads more to crystal build than weapon build. In addition many players are difficult to adapt to the mechanisms of the current Vox characters. Honestly guys, before this update vox characters can be spelled out overpower because every time he attacks the opponent barier on his HP will continue to be active. And if the hero uses lifesteal items like Serpent Mask, this hero will be hard to conquer. But with this update we have to rack brain's to survive against the hero Vox opponent. I have also tried some build items that are suitable for heroes, and it looks like CP build is more suitable for Vox at the moment.
Skill and Items

The first skill you have to choose at the beginning of the game is skill 2, with this skill you can farm more easily. Due to the resonance effect, vox can attack 2 targets at once. And since we are going to make a CP build then the skill you have to maximize is skill 2 and 3. Both of these skills have a good effect if you build CP. And do not forget, so that the attack from skill 1 can come out, you should make sure the opponent is exposed to resonance effect first before using this skill. Limited energy will make you a little difficult at the beginning of the game, so you should be able to use the skills as effectively as possible.
Early Game

At the beginning of the game you can go straight to the lane for farming, or if your team's condition allows to invade the opposing jungle, you can go to the jungle to help the team invade the opponent forest. Since skill 1 does not have an opponent attack effect without a resonance, the first skill you have to take is skill 2. With this skill you can more easily keep your distance with the opponent on the lane and make it easier for you to do the farming. The first item you bought at the beginning of the game actually varies depending on how you play. Because I rely on attack speed, I choose to buy a swift shooter.
When you get enough gold, the next item you should buy is shoe, swift shooter, and crystal bit. Why buy a swift shooter again? Why not Blazing Salvo? If we see the stats of the item blazing salvo gives 35% attack speed, while 2 swift shooter gives 40% attack speed, other than that the gold you need to buy this item is also different. 2 swift shooter only 600 gold, while blazing salvo 700 gold. Quite right guys, 100 gold the rest you can buy a pot or trap.
Mid Game

When the match has entered 10 minutes, the match will start to feel hot. Here you should make sure that the items you have can help you in the time of clash. Alternating Current and Eve of Harvest are mandatory items that you must have. Alternating Current will give attack speed and crystal damage to the opponent, not only that this item also converts crystal damage to basic damage. Eve of Harvest has a function that is almost similar to a serpent mask, so when you attack each opponent the damage crystal damage that you spend will give HP to you so that your character will get HP every time to attack the opponent.
Late Game

At the end of the game, the build that you are racik will determine the outcome of the game. In order for your basic damage to increase, you have to buy some other crystal items. If you face an opponent who has a defense item like aegis, you can buy broken myth to penetrate their shield. And if the opponent only relies on crucible and atlas, you bsia use frostburn and shatterglass to keep the distance and give high damage crystal to the opponent. Regard Moba Lovers.
Well, here's my review for hero's VOX.
If you feel less satisfied please insert your comment below.