League of Legends - Top ADCs List, Patch 8.1 - Ggt

in #gaming7 years ago



About the Writer

Before every post I like to give a small introduction on myself to give the readers a better understanding on who I am and what I post, so without further-a-due lets get right into it! I'm ggteixeira, or just Ggt for short, and I'm an active member of the Steemit community whose been around for about half a year now. I mostly post in the gaming section where I share game-plays, guides, reviews and just about anything related to video games! Some of my more common posts have to due with two of my favourite games; League of Legends and Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. If by any chance you find yourself interested in any of these games or topics, feel free to check out my page @ggteixeira for more related content. It's also always appreciated!


What is League of Legends?

Since today's post is going to be about the game League of Legends, I thought I'd copy and paste a description of the game I've written up on the game for previous League of Legends Steemit posts.

"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page.

I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.



About Today's Post

For today's post we'll be checking out some of the strongest ADCs in League of Legends as of patch 8.1. We'll be checking out their play-styles, strengths and weaknesses alongside what to build on them for the best results. Keep in mind while reading that this information is personally gathered from what I've seen in-game while playing the game. I'm currently Platinum V, so I understand I'm not the highest on the ranked leaderboard, but still high enough to understand the game's meta well enough to explain it.

So without anymore time to waste, let's get right into the champions themselves!



the first are strongest ADC in the meta right now. Vayne is a close-range 'dance around' your enemies type champion that relies on her high damage and strong kiting abilities to get the job done. Her kit is mainly built around her first ability, her Q, which allows her to quickly roll a short distance in any direction before buffing up her next auto-attack with a bit extra damage. This ability allows her to very easily get around, dodge abilities and easily kite (Evade) around her enemies while with her high damage ending them all swiftly.

Her passive also helps her play a big role in hunting down enemy champions by giving her a movement speed buff when moving towards enemy players. Her ultimate simply for a short duration of time (+ extra time on every kill) increases her damage, buffs her passive and makes it so Vayne goes invisible whenever using her Q. Just as expected, these abilities all go well together with her second passive (Every 3rd consecutive attack on the same target does % health damage) and knock-back CC E (Vayne using a ranged attack knocks an enemy back and if into a wall, stuns them for a second) ability just being bonuses.

When it comes to building Vayne, I've currently found that there's only one real good way to do it. Start safe with the Relic Shield, Overheal/Flight of Foot runes and three health pots before working towards the standard damage-crit build. This includes rushing an infinity edge and statikk shiv before finishing off with a rapid-fire cannon. The rest of the build is situational depending on the game, but I find myself always finishing with a Bloodthirster and Last Whisper.



the second of the in-meta ADCs right now and my personal favourite of the bunch. Though low in mobility, Varus more than makes up for it with his high attack speed, high damage and great crowd-control ultimate that can lock down all his enemies in a team-fight if used correctly. So let's go ahead and get Varus' abilities out of the way. His entire kit is built around his W's passive, blight, a passive ability that is applied to each of Varus' auto-attacked targets and can stack up to three times. The ability blight is then triggered by either Varus' Q (A long-range piercing skill-shot arrow) or his E (A shorter range AoE hail of arrows) which on top of the abilities' damage does a % of the target's health in magic damage.

Pair any of these two active abilities with Varus' ultimate R, a skill-shot that ties up an enemy restricting them of movement for a few seconds and applying 3 stacks of blight, and you got one big chunk of damage applied to your target. The great thing about Varus' ultimate though is the fact that it creeps to nearby targets, tying up any nearby enemies after it finishes with it's previous target. Now that's one hell of a CC ability if you ask me!

Varus' build heavily relies on one stat and that's attack speed, especially if you're going on-hit which to me is the better build. Rushing a Guinsoos is the first move before adding on a runaan's hurricane and wit's end. From there you can build according to the game but I normally go a mercurial scimitar and last whisper. The boots on Varus are normally beserker, but you can go armour or magic resist depending on the enemy team and how good or bad you're doing in-game.



last on today's list but definitely not least. A long range but high damage ADC, Ezreal relies heavily on landing his skill shots to put out some serious damage against his enemies while using his one ability, E, to quickly flash and position himself away from deadly foes.

Just like stated before, Ezreal heavily relies on his abilities to output almost all his damage, mainly his Q and R. Ezreal's Q is a sort of magic missile which he fires forth, hitting the first target it hits and doing some serious damage. It's Ezreal's main source of damage and hitting it is a must for consistent damage, due to the fact that if you miss the ability it would have a longer cool-down than if you were to hit it, in which a portion of the cool-down is refunded. The ability also applies on-hit effects like red-buff or Blade of the Ruin King's passive. His next ability is his W, a low damage ability that goes through all it's targets doing magic damage but also granting a attack-speed bonus to any allies it passes through, which to me is it's only real and good purpose. In the early-game though, this ability is good for poke. Last but once again definitely not least is Ezreal's ultimate, an across the map skill-shot that does heavy damage to each target it passes through.

Ezreal can only be built one of two ways, AP or AD, but since we're talking about the AD role, we'll be sticking to AD. In the early game, rushing a sheen for the ability damage and tear of the goddess for mana sustain is enough. After, you turn the sheen into either a triforce for high damage or frozen gauntlet for greater kite potential depending on the game, then the tear into a manamune for some extra damage. From there, you rush a blade of the ruined king before finishing with a mercurial scimitar and last whisper. For boots I almost always go CDR so Ezreal can spam out more abilities sooner.




I hope today's post came in handy for all you ADC mains out there looking into finding out what champions work best on the Rift right now or just about anyone looking into knowing more about the game League of Legends. If anyone has any comments or questions always feel at ease to post them down in the replies section below and I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible. Thanks for reading guys and make sure you all have a wonderful day!



I doubt Vayne will stay up there for much longer. A combination of a high gold income allowing champs to reach their item spike faster + the fact that supports are controlling the botlane due to high damage + the overheal relic meta is allowing Vayne to dominate rn. Her garbage early game is mitigated by the fact that she can afk with overheal + relic and allow her support to carry the lane and then reach her item spike super quickly and carry the game.
As much as everyone hates it though I'm glad she's in meta. Every time she isn't she's always trash tier cause her early game is too weak.

Yea. In the PBE they've already nerfed the damage buff on her ultimate and if they fix the Relic Shield + Overheal combo, she won't be nearly as strong as she is now.