League of Legends - Perfection, Jhin Guide - Ggt

in #gaming7 years ago


About the Writer

Before every post I like to give a small introduction on myself to give the readers a better understanding on who I am and what I post, so without further-a-due lets get right into it! I'm ggteixeira, or just Ggt for short, and I'm an active member of the Steemit community whose been around for about half a year now. I mostly post in the gaming section where I share game-plays, guides, reviews and just about anything related to video games! Some of my more common posts have to due with two of my favourite games; League of Legends and Fortnite. If by any chance you find yourself interested in any of these games or topics, feel free to check out my page @ggteixeira for more related content. It's also always appreciated!

What is League of Legends?

Since today's post is going to be about the game League of Legends, I thought I'd copy and paste a description of the game I've written up on the game for previous League of Legends Steemit posts.

"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page.

I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.



Four bullets, Five kills.

Jhin, a cold-blooded serial killer psychopath who has a niche for two things; perfection and the number four. His preferred weapon, the hand cannon. His profession? Turning brutal death into a work of art and beauty. These are all things the Summoner behind the champion needs to keep in mind when summoning the Virtuoso onto the Rift.

Jhin is a ranged-marksman attack damage carry who specializes in executing his targets. His kit relies heavily on landing long-ranged skill shots, positioning, trapping, and just generally being one step ahead of your opponent. Unlike some of the other ADCs, a good Jhin needs to time his attacks and always be executing his next move while preparing another attack. I mean, with his unique auto-attack, you need to be careful about how you go about yourself else you find yourself in a dangerous situation with... No bullets.


So on the topic of Jhin's unique auto-attacks, let's go over the ability that grants his this one-of-a-kind feature, his passive, Whisper. Whisper makes it so Jhin's auto-attack has a fixed attack speed and makes it so Jhin can only fire four times before having to take a short duration of time to reload, leaving him unable to auto-attack. The part of this ability that balances out this strong drawback is the fact that Jhin gains extra damage for attack-speed and crit build on him. Speaking of crit, whenever Jhin crits something he gains a small burst of extra movement speed allowing him to move faster. Jhin's last bullet also does increased damage based off the enemies' missing health and always crits, which is crazy as a ranged execution.

Keeping this all in mind, I can't stress out enough how important it is to properly position yourself on Jhin. He can't always attack and needs time to reload his weapon, so because of this, make sure to keep your positioning in mind between shots. Always make sure you're moving and on your feet! Because of this, I usually build boots of swiftness to gain that extra movement speed that lets me move around faster than my opponents, making it so I'm never caught out alone.

Another thing that you need to build on Jhin as a must due to Whisper is the infinity edge. It seriously SPIKES his damage and grants him that extra mobility with the increased crit chance.

His Abilties

Now we're moving onto Jhin's abilities. Here I'll be giving a short description on each ability and how it works, as well as tips/tricks to when or how to use them for maximum effectiveness. As a 'Jhin main,' I've figured out some CRAZY moves that'll make you stand out more as a Jhin player.

Dancing Grenade

Jhin's first ability, dancing grenade. With this ability Jhin throws forward a grenade that does AD scaling damage and bounces up to three more times after the initial bounce dealing increasing damage to each target if the previous target it landed on was killed by the ability.

So what is dancing grenade good for? First and foremost it should be always used between auto-attacks as a sort of extra-damage source that closes the time gap between Jhin's shots, making it so you output maximum damage. I see one too many Jhins using this ability as an initiation attack and that's just not right! You can also use dancing grenade to quickly clear minion waves to push lanes. Once you figure out the bounce patterns, you can even use the bouncing grenade to do some serious harass in lane by setting it up so it kills three minions before bouncing onto an actual enemy champion. With a rushed dirk, I've had this ability on max bounce clear two-thirds of the enemy ADC's health.

Deadly Flourish

You feeling like a sniper? This ability is for snipers and is a literal marksman ability. Jhin fires a very narrow but long-ranged bullet that can snare an enemy in place if the enemy had taken damage from either Jhin's auto or an allied champion a few seconds beforehand. It also does a bit of AD scaling damage which makes it a great ability to 'SECURE' low-health enemies from afar.

Use this ability to either steal kills early to get you ahead as the team's carry or snare far-away enemy champions in place so either you or your team are capable of locking down the kill!

Captive Audience

Captive Audience is a hidden trap ability that when activated slows everyone in the radius and after a short duration blows up dealing scaling AD damage. Jhin can hold up to two traps at a time and can place as many down as possible, though each trap has a timer before breaking down after being placed. Trap damage overlaps each other so traps can be stacked!

This ability is great as an early-gank warning. It also triggers deadly flourishes' snare if the target is hit by the ability while in the trap's slow. Build some lethality, stack some traps and be quick on the draw with deadly flourish for some serious damage output!

Curtain Calls

Jhin's ultimate ability, Curtain Calls. With this ability Jhin goes into a channeled sniper mode opening a massive view in front of him in which can fire up to four sniper shots that hit the first enemy champion they come across. The sniper bullets do increasingly more damage based off of % health missing and the final shot crits. Each time a bullet hits, the enemy is slowed.

This ability is create for team-fighting, catching low-health champions or even disrupting the enemy team trying to take an objective. The bullets don't really do that much damage on their own, so consider using it for slowing down enemy champions that your team otherwise couldn't catch up to!


Playstyle and Items

Jhin's play-style if you asked me is broken into two categories. Primarily, Jhin is a glass-cannon marksman whose job is to do damage from a far but his secondary role is that of an executioner. Jhin's job is to not only deal damage to his enemies, but also execute low-health ones from afar with a kit that easily lets a good Jhin player shoot dead champions that could otherwise easily get away. Just remember to keep your distance and keep how many bullets you have in mind.

When it comes to items, I've found two different ways to build Jhin but each with the same start. Rush a youmuu's above all else for that extra damage, movement speed and lethality. Afterwards you can either build a dusk-blade for more lethality and ability damage before finishing off with the IE-crit build, or go straight into an IE no dusk-blade extra crit item for more damage/movement speed with your automatics. It's honestly up to your play-style. If you want to finish the game early, I always suggest the lethality. If you want to play for a more late-game, the extra crit is always the move.



Conclusion and my Twitch!

So with that I'll be wrapping up today's post. Let me know what you guys think of it in the replies section below! If you like this post, make sure to leave an up-vote and drop a follow for more similar content! Also make sure to resteem so the post gets to more and more people! I hope you guys enjoyed.

Before finishing this post I'd also like to leave you guys with a cool out-play clip that I made when playing Jhin in a ranked League of Legends game. I thought it'd be relevant to the post and it does show-case some of my strategies mentioned above while using Jhin to win me the fight! I'd also greatly appreciated follows on Twitch to anyone interested. It helps me do what I've been trying to do for the past week and that's grow my Twitch channel!

Click the picture to see the Twitch clip! Remember to drop a follow if you liked it!


Great write up! I personally haven't started using Jhin yet but looks interesting!

Wow some really great gaming content, as a fellow gamer myself I'm going to definitely upvote you and can't wait for more content, also if you don't mind checking me out also it would be a very great help, maybe even do me as follow and as few upvotes