League of Legends - Champion Review, Jhin

in #gaming7 years ago


Hey guys, it's me ggteixeira and for this post I thought we'd go over one of my favorite League of Legends attack damage carries, Jhin. It's been roughly a week since I last posted and I'm sorry about that, it's been kind of hard to find time with school. I hope you guys enjoy this post and hope it makes up for my prolonged absence! Once again, sorry about that.

Some of you know about League of Legends while others may not, so like always, I'll be giving a brief description on the game itself below. If you feel like I've left some questions about the game unanswered, feel free to ask below and I'll answer as soon as I see it.

Now, before we get started; What is League of Legends?

"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page.

I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.

Before continuing on to the post itself I'd like to go ahead and state that if you guys have any further questions about League feel free to ask below, I'll make sure to reply as soon as possible.

Now let's talk; Jhin

Jhin, the Virtuoso, is a meticulous criminal psychopath who sees killing others not as an atrocity but instead an art, becoming a skilled perfectionist at the craft.

His birth and upbringing to this day remain a mystery, but most presume that something within it definitely went wrong to create the monster that is Jhin today. As soon as he was able, Jhin began roaming the southern mountainous lands of Ionia where he started his work as a psychopathic murderer. He started by murdering travelers, merchants and whole farmsteads leaving behind every scene gruesome artworks put together using the bodies of his victims.

Doing so eventually earned him the name, 'the Golden Demon,' and with it a large bounty where many pursued to earn only to end in each time failure, and in some cases even death. Eventually, the capture of Jhin would be had due to the long years hunt led by the legendary brothers Shen and Zed, but not without consequence of course. Both brothers after the task were indefinitely changed, and for the worse.

In prison the monks and guards tried to cure Jhin of his twisted ways, but to no avail. They did find though that Jhin was a bright man, and if not for his dark urges, a good one at that. A dozen or so years would pass with Jhin in captivity before unlikely circumstances would find the now old man free to go back and do what he loves, war.

The lands of Ionia would find themselves invaded by the mighty armies of Noxus, forcing them into a war they could not win. They needed to find a way to repel the invaders and they needed to find it fast. What better way to make a man run then fear and what better man to create fear then Jhin. And as such, under special conditions, Jhin was released and sent out to do what he was made to do;

create terror.

Jhin In-game

Jhin in-game is considered a ranged marksman with a strange twist that technically makes him an executioner as well. Working best from a distance, Jhin's role on the rift is simple, do both damage and execute his enemies from a distance away.

Let's start with Jhin's passive ability, 'Death in 4 acts,' is what makes Jhin, well, Jhin. Unlike other ADCs Jhin's attack speed always stays the same no matter what items he has and after 4 shots, Jhin is forced to reload. Jhin's crits also do 10% less damage but give Jhin a quick speed boost every time one goes off. Jhin's fourth shot also does increasingly more damage depending on how much health the target is missing and is also a 100% guaranteed crit. This makes Jhin great for executing low-health enemies and is also good for kiting away from enemies trying to get close to you.

Jhin's next ability, his Q is 'Dancing Grenade,' an lock on ability that when activated can bounce up to four different targets dealing damage to each one it bounces on. Every enemy the grenade kills also increases the damage it'll do to the next target stacking up to three times to do some serious damage on the fourth bounce. I find that this ability is great for clearing waves and harassing enemy champions on lane.

Jhin's second ability, his W is 'Deadly Flourish,' a narrow but long range damaging shot that can root enemies in place if they've taken damage previously from any ally champion. This ability is great for securing kills from far away or locking enemy champions in place who would normally escape otherwise. It's real hard to land but once you get the aiming down, it becomes a really useful and great ability.

Jhin's third ability, his E is 'Captive Audience,' a landmine trap that when walked over by an enemy activates to give vision, slow anyone in it's radius down for a few seconds and finally blow up dealing some good damage to anyone in it's area of effect. Jhin can place down as many traps as he wants but can only carry up to two at a time. The traps also have a timer before disappearing if not activated. I find this ability great for setting up ambushes or even acting as a not-as-effective ward.

Jhin's fourth and final ability, his R, 'Curtain Call,' is possibly the best one yet and it's also really fun to use. With this ability, Jhin for 10 seconds turns his regular pistol into a rifle before positioning himself in place and opening up a large field of view in front of him in which Jhin can fire up to 4 shots dealing some good damage. Each shot also does increasingly more damage depending on the % of the enemies' missing health and also slows anyone hit by one. The final shot also crits and does increased damage. This ability is great for team-fights and locking down running away kills. I mean, who doesn't like being a sniper?

So keeping this all in mind, how does one play Jhin? Easily, as a ranged marksman who keeps his distance and picks enemies off from afar. Compared to most other ADCs, especially in this meta, Jhin is definitely at the top. I 100% suggest that anyone looking to play the ADC role picks up Jhin.

In Conclusion

I want to go ahead and thank everyone for reading. I hope you guys picked up something new from this post and enjoyed it. Make sure to try out Jhin if you got the time the next time you find yourself doing battle on Summoner's Rift. If you have any questions regarding Jhin, feel free to ask below and I'll answer them as soon as possible. Once again, thanks for reading and I hope y'all have a wonderful day!

Here's the League of Legends Jhin teaser trailer for anyone who wants to take a glance into Jhin's twisted mind!


Awesome post man, i haven't been playing LoL for a good while now, but this post kind of made me interested to pick it up and boot up mr.Jihn. I like the idea of these overview/guides on LoL characters, awesome for people who want to get started with some character but don't know the basics. Keep it up bro!

Just a side note, would be awesome if you could share perhaps some of your strategies for the character in the post if you have any :) You do give a lot of information on each ability, but it would have been awesome to get a overview of the best tactic against certain enemies etc..

Thanks for writing, and peace to you! :D

I'm happy you liked it and thanks for the feedback, I'll start to give a bit more insight on the tactics and what not if it helps more

reload is OP!

You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! thanks.

Bring back atk spd kog jungle and ill return to leeg!

Awesome post man! As I seldom play ADR, only Caitlyn or MF, your post can help me in improving my ADR Champions. Thanks you! Upvoted and Followed you!

Good beginner overview but I feel like his passive ('Death in 4 acts') deserves a lot more attention and explanation!