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RE: How to Cope With Post-Game Emptiness 101

in #gaming7 years ago

That's okay, it is difficult for us to know if we are mentioned somewhere because there's no notification for that.
I'm glad you enjoyed this post, and I should thank you as well for your awesome post that had its role to move me to brought all of these out of my mind, which was unclear until I wrote them down. And oh, you explain it better, in my opinion, like.. more touching(?)
Anyway, I hope by mentioning you here you got more viewers to your photography works..


If you want, I found a website created by roxane that lets you know who mentioned us. I put you the link:
You just have to change the name where there is @ and then you will be able to see who mentions you in the articles but also in the comments (by ticking the box).
I am very happy to know that my post inspired you for your very good article!
That's a great compliment, thank you very much !

Aw yiss! This website would be very helpful, just what I've been looking for. Thank you, and
you're welcome!