Overwatch Replays Now on PTR

in #gaming6 years ago

Replays Header.jpg

So your playing quickplay and you do something amazing or someone else does a "what the hell bs!" shot on you. Well now, you can see it all and in a fresh new perspectives with Overwatch rolling out the replay feature. Whether you want a first-person, third-person, or a bird’s-eye view, you can see it all with this tool.

To the casual player this may seem unneeded but who doesn't like watching their past performance after they got a quad kill? To the more advanced players though, this is something that can be used to break down a fight to the millisecond to identify gaps and strategies in their opponents wall of defence.


So this is what it feels like to be a bird

So how does one access their replays?

You can view Replays from your Player Profile under the Replays tab. Replay archives don't stretch forever! You'll only be able to load up your 10 most recent matches in all game modes so if you have a great match recently, be sure to view it before smashing the queue button!


For further deets, you can check out this link here.

PC gamers receive the love and the consoles will have to wait for a later date which has not been pencilled in just yet. I'll be updating my Overwatch to check out this nifty feature however for me... it'll be to see my amazing mistakes I made that costed the match!

Vien To @gamersclassified


Even for casual players, this is good. Specially for youtubers. Editing material!

No doubt! Great for content creators.

man this used to be an awesome game. now i just don't care 😆

I definitely play it alot less now. I'm all in Sekiro now, not healthy for my keyboard though haha!

sadly blizzard is no longer cool. but yea sekiro looks good. i'm too busy developing to play myself but i've been watching videos.