There are a multitude of video games that have marked history among the community, either for its innovative graphics, music or gameplay, but very few were specifically characterized by cooperative work combined with competition, this was undoubtedly achieved by one of the titles that to date it is still played in its different versions, a game that represented a before and after for many gamers who consider it their favorite game, Counter Strike.
As the vast majority know Counter Strike was released by the Valve company in June 1999 as a First Person Shooter game where we took control of two groups, these were terrorists or counter-terrorists, the objective was simple, winning the side that fulfilled the mission of eliminating all opponents or achieved a specific mission depending on the map, in case of terrorists could be to place a bomb to achieve its detonation or of the counter-terrorists to rescue some hostages from a facility.
However, many think that Counter Strike originated mainly from Half-Life (HL), it is true that this makes sense for its graphic aspect and developer company, but its beginnings really go back in a game older than HL itself, released In 1996 the legendary Quake, this was the mouthpiece for a programmer who in his spare time was dedicated to making mods based on this game, this was Minh Le or better known as Gooseman, one of his great creations and considered the main one of all was a mod called Navy SEALs.
Navy SEALs was not characterized mainly by being a multiplayer game, actually it was more inclined towards the single player, in this video game we took control of a kind of agent that had to fulfill certain infiltration missions, eliminating some military forces with quite similar weapons to what we know today in Counter Strike, all the mapping, graphics, sound and many more features were based on the first Quake, being one of the free mods quite acclaimed by the community of this video game.
After different releases of video games, with time Navy SEALs that was a work done by a single person was forgotten, only played by those players who felt a great addiction to this small mod, but this in turn served as inspiration for other moders who loved to program based on other games, was how a programmer named Jess Cliffe created a mod based on Quake 2, this would be considered one of the forerunners of Counter Strike, called Action Quake 2.
This video game would be the deathmatch main base of the Counter Strike where its main objective was to eliminate all the opponents of the other team, however, it was a mod that was not characterized mainly by its graphic aspect, it was one of the most played modifications at the time Due to the competitiveness that was established within the game, Gooseman liked this mod so he contacted Jess Cliffe to join and create one of his most ambitious projects, Counter Strike.
A year later Valve would completely improve the graphics engine applied in Quake 2, launching the game Half Life and their respective expansions, Gooseman and Jess Cliffe watching this update took this engine for their video game, being visually quite attractive for players, Valve he found this video game interesting, so they opted to buy it by offering a good number and work for the company to these two programmers, officially leaving Counter Strike as a mod of the aforementioned company.
Already by the year 2000 Counter Strike became one of the most played games in the world, going out even for Xbox and Linux, in addition to performing various competitions in many parts of the world, as time went by they came out with different versions of this videogame, however, Gooseman was not involved in his sequences because he wanted to implement new things in the game which were not approved by Valve, deciding to create one of the games that currently remains low profile called Tactical intervention.
See You!!!

Good game, thanks sharing
One of the games that marked many players, thanks for leaving your comment @hogata
Such a great videogame! Very popular in my country when a was on school! I remember each time when I've went out of class and play for hours!
On several occasions I missed classes for going with a crowd of friends to play this game, it was a moment of addiction that time could only control XD.
Thank you very much for reading the post @luckyyou