Got back into my routine since I came back from Indiana and that means I can dedicate time to Forge of Empires. I could no longer wait to build up goods to annex another province so I used military might to do so. The ruler of that province wanted to die in battle anyway so she got what she wanted. This was the first province I've taken in a month or more. My focus has been elsewhere instead of the campaign map. The new provinces that are now available have troops in the Modern Era so I'm going to have to wait until I build up my inventory or upgrade my army.
I finally added a Lamp Factory an Electrical Plant. I got rid of my deli and garage make room. I loved having the deli because it generated so many supplies but I'm well stocked at the moment and it'll take a massive expansion for me to drain my resources.
The Guild Expeditions have been put on the back burner. Maybe next week I'll start putting more time into it because it's how I build my army. I need more troops from the Modern Era for my city defenders.
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