
Interesting stuff... Looking forward to the next installment. I'll probably take your example and do something similar to show the major changes in the esports scene. I've somewhat started by discussing the subtle changes coming around such as professionalism

I love history and gaming so a chance to experience both at the same time is always worth a full upvote from me. Thanks for making this one available and now I have to wait for the next installment. Lol

Seriously, good job and thank you.

Never quite gave it a thought, but gaming as an industry started quite early. My first gaming experience was 1991 Prehistorik, I was just 2 years old. It's remarkable how far gaming has evolved!

Looking forward to the next installment.

Very interesting documentary. It seems that all the bad thing that happened in 1972 also had a compensation in some good things. Did not know about those text based games. Thank you for this good new information for me.