
This is one of the few 3D platformers on the PSX that can rival the ones on the N64. In my opinion, the sequels are way worse because they tried too much to focus on "quirky" characters and unrelated gimmicks. Spyro 1 is still the best.

Also, I'm quite sure that the image of Spyro by the river is actually from Spyro 2.

Yeah, you can tell by that character in the background, he is in part two, not one. Good eye.

Yeah, my bad...


Ahhh~ Spyro.... I only played the third game on PS1 (at the time I thought it's the only game) and loved it so much.... I've spent too much time of my childhood in it.

I watched a video talked about the history of this game, and wow!! the original developers were so creative!!...

I didn't play the first spyro game. but the third one didn't have the boring repetition you talked about.

I liked your review, especially the use of "we" instead of "I" and "You" I use in my reviews...

it is still a game that marked the childhood of many people... ...there will always be a group of people who have this game always in his memory.

Yup, one is here!!

Thank´s bro!

This franchise is one that I had high hopes for as we entered the Playstation 2 era but the ball was dropped as Universal (I believe they took it over, as well as Crash Bandicoot) took the reigns.

Sony did things right here by giving the developers plenty of time and money to make Spyro be all it could be. I loved this franchise and played it quite a bit (I got into Spyro 1 after years of playing part 2).

Such a great franchise.

It was a pretty promising game.