Nintendo Loses Trial to Patent Troll

in #gaming8 years ago

Nintendo Loses Trial to Patent Troll


Nintendo was sued by iLife for patent infringement for the Wiimote back in 2013.   The lawsuit was related to the motion technology in the Wiimote and Nintendo was ordered to pay $10 million. 

This has led some commentators, like Reviewtechusa, to call iLife Patent Trolls. 

I looked into iLife.  They make software for Apple and their current products include garage band and iMovie for the iPhone. 

They do not make any products related to motion control and do not appear to be interested in doing so.  Based on this, I would say it is accurate to call them a patent troll. Patent law is highly flawed.  Blueprints should not be enough to secure a patent.  A final product should be completed.  Also iLife should be required to prove they are selling the product or they have an intent to sell the product.  Allowing a company to sue based on a blueprint that may never materialize into anything is insanity. 

It's not over yet though.  Nintendo will appeal the decision and hopefully Nintendo gets a favorable ruling.

I always assumed that the Wiimote was a more high tech version of the Power Glove.  I guess not.   When Lucas uses the Power Glove in the movie The Wizard it looks like a primitive Wiimote.

Lucas is such a bastard.