welcome to the daily riddle #42!
We want to combine steemit.com and steam.com, so you can win one steam game everyday.
Solve the riddle and grab the random steam game code.
The (x) are letters which must be solved in the following riddle.
Please vote and resteem that we can continue the riddles.
My first is in depart but not in adept
My second is in gape but not in gap
My third is in audaciously but not in acidulous
My fourth is in semipermeable but not in impressible
My fifth is in glimmering but not in lingerie
yours @dailysteamcodes
well i got it. does the code only work once or could someone else get it and activate it too?
Only one!!! (T_T)
it's some alpha game that looks like a cross between agar.io and plague inc
Fun idea! Keep it up!