As you get waked up from your crypt by your loyal minions and sidekick Gnarl, the quest for obnoxious evil and ultimate world dominion begins. You take the role as the Overlord, king of the minions, slayer of sheep and smasher of pumpkins!
While you are spreading your unnecessary evil throughout the world, the minions will abide every rule that you command them. They will though express their personalities trough funny comments that they spew out in little squeaky voices, giving their leader titles & comments.
"Exploder of Melvin Underbelly"
"Master of Evil Culinary Arts!"
"Wielder of the Paladin Mop!"
"Persecutor of Pumpkins!"
"Peasant Pyromaniac"
"Peasant Toaster"
These are some of my favorite minion quotes. When they are not insulting / complimenting the Overlord they are constantly forcing objects on their heads, dressing themselves in all kind of loot and just generally causing mischief.

The humor exists in every aspect of the game, from the quests, to the storyline and the constant minions quotes & actions. One of the first quest you go after in Overlord 1 is killing innocent fluffy sheep to gain lifeforce, while Overlord 2 starts it off with killing baby seals. This sounds kind of sinister, but the graphics and atmosphere of the game makes it just funny.
"Come here sheepyyy" - Random minion
Conker's Bad Fur Day
You start off playing Conker after he just dissed his girlfriend to go hang out and drink at the local bar. Conker, as the alcoholic he is, drinks way to much and just can't find his way home and wanders off getting lost in his drunken daze.

On his quest he will meet many different creatures that are just funny for what they are. These include robot addicts set on fire to nazi teddybears (called tediz). The humor is aimed at a more adult audience with quite a lot of sex and poo jokes. Sex and poo jokes might sound, well... not funny, but believe me this game makes it funny!
One of my favourite conversations from the game is when conker dies and meets Gregg.
Gregg: Conker! Conker! Conker! Yes you, boy! You're dead! You are dead! Dead as a do... dead as a... I can't be arsed with this bloody, ridiculous contraption! Whose idea was this anyway? (pause) Right... hello... um... my name's Gregg... the Grim Reaper, and don't laugh!
Conker: Aren't you a little short to be a Grim Reaper?
Gregg: Well, how many Grim Reapers have you met before, mate? Well, what am I supposed to look like?
Conker: Yeah... that's a good point, and well made.
Gregg: Now... let's see... ah yes, Conker. Surname?
Conker: The Squirrel.
Gregg: The Squirrel... the... oh bloody hell, you would have to be a sodding squirrel, wouldn't you?
Conker: Why? Is there a problem with that?
Gregg: Well yes there is, actually! It's like those bloody cats! Such a pain in the arse! You're one of these special cases!
Conker: Oh really!
Gregg: Yes! Apparently, according to the powers that be... I'm just doing my job. I do what I'm told, and don't even get paid very much. Apprently, squirrels can have as many lives as they think they can get away with!
Conker: Oh, I see! So I'm not dead!
Gregg: You're dead, but not quite.
Conker: Huh! Right! I'll be off then!
Gregg: Tsuh! Just you wait, smartarse! You don't get out of that easily. Now, the thing is, you may not be dead, but that doesn't mean you can't die. You just have a few more, shall we say, chances. Yeah. Like cats! I hate those things! Right! Distributed around your little world are these tail things! Squirrels' tails. If you can get them, I'll give you an extra chance, understand?
Conker: Um... well... sounds a bit strange, but okay.
Gregg: Strange? It's the best bloody deal you're going to get, you little prick! Right! That's it! Piss off! I've got some cats to see! Bloody things... I hate those bloody cats... the way they meow and they piss everywhere... and their shit smells just bloody awful... (mumbles)
I hope you enjoyed this, and perhaps got a tip to try out one of the games! Tell me about the funniest games you know in the comments, peace friends!
1. http://overlord.wikia.com/wiki/Storyline
2. https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conker%27s_Bad_Fur_Day
3. http://conker.wikia.com/wiki/Conker%27s_Quest
Images taken from same sites as info
Overlord is only game my girlfriend played to the end !
And she just loved it !!!
Me too...
Lol same here. WoW and Overlord was the only thing she would play! Girls seem to like games with a bit more humor and "funny-graphics".
Thanks for commenting and reading, have a great day! =)
Overlord was sick !
Yea i loved that series! The humor was what made it great! :D
Thanks for reading dude!
nice post!!
Thank you =)