This great fighting game called "Killer Instinct" was released on the market in 1994 and was developed by the company Rare and published by Midway and Nintendo, receiving a high profile for the Super Nintendo (SNES) videogame console because it broke with all prototypes of its time for being a unique game, entertaining and different, Killer Instinct gave us an excellent feeling of tridimensionality without ever leaving the 2D, including surprising animations of the characters and an original and spectacular system of combos and movements, its popularity I take to have sequels like Killer Instinct 2, in my opinion Killer Instinct is one of the best fighting and fighting games.

Jago in this case is the co-star of the game along with his sister Orchid, is a Tibetan warrior monk wearing a blue ninja costume and his main weapon is a "Katana" has abilities such as channeling the energy of the tiger spirit and launch fireballs with great skill, aims to defeat the evil "Eyedol" and prevent the darkness spread throughout the world, in a few words are some of the best fighters in this saga.
Orchid or "Black Orchid" is the second co-star of this video game, always dressed in green and his main weapon are two macanas, can become a fire panther and has the power to throw spirals of energy, aims to infiltrate into the tournament to find out the disappearances surrounding "Ultratech", is an excellent fighter.
The evil "Eyedol" is a monster of another dimension in the shape of a large cyclops with two heads, in this game is the final boss of the tournament chosen by Ultratech, has a capacity of balls of very powerful energy for his eyes and has blows very hard, is a difficult opponent to win.
He also has very important fighters like "Cinder, Spinal, Fulgore, Sabrewulf, Riptor, Glacius, Chief Thunder and Combo"
Spinal: He is a warrior who was resurrected by Ultratech, has very little memory of his past and fights only for pleasure "are some of the best fighters of the game".
Fulgore: It was created by Ultratech, has a robot aspect and develops many resources at the time of combat, with a large number of hidden weapons, is a great warrior.
Sabrewulf: He has a strange disease that made him a kind of wolf, Ultratech has promised to cure his illness if he succeeds in winning the tournament.
Riptor: It is a genetic experiment created by Ultratech, this character is the combination of DNA of a reptile with a human, resulting in Riptor "A murderous fierce" with human intelligence and animal instincts.
Glacius: Landing on planet Earth by crashing your ship and was captured by Ultratech, is an alien with great power for melee combat.
Thunder: He is a defender of the American people, he has several magical powers thanks to the spirits who protect him and always keep him strong and powerful.
Combo: He is a super heavyweight champion, already being destitute of his crown and his fame, he is forced to fight in the tournament to recover all that he has lost.
Killer Instinct is a fighting game, mainly based on a combination of buttons to launch different attacks, to the best "Street Fighter" stanza, each of the members of this game has special attacks and different movements, has final movements to the style of "Mortal Kombat" called the (No Mercy)
It has 2 modalities of combos called "Ultimate Combos and the Ultra Combos" these magnificent movements we can perform only when the meter of energy of the enemy is in (RED) realizing a Fatality abruptly or to obtain a series of consecutive blows causing much damage to the rival.
This great game has a fairly good combos system in my opinion, since they can be chained with several linkers, special moves, extra punches when making a juggle or a special finalizer, as it allows us to go combining attack buttons, to cause more damage when making a combo, among them we can perform combos with more than 10-15 strokes in each fight and many more combinations.
Note: the opponent can also block your combo, making a counter with a series of buttons "in a way similar to stone, paper or scissors" this technique requires many reflexes and know perfectly the catalog of combos of all characters in the video game, which leads him to make a game very popular among his fans, lovers of the fight, agility and action.
We will have 3 game modes (Practice, Individual and Tournament Game) the practice is to choose a player and a second player stationary so that you can practice all your movements and perfect your fighting style. In the individual a player is chosen and we will have to go passing of levels defeating to each one of the rivals that put us (Defeating 2 times to each rival). And the tournament game mode is played with 2 or more players, aims to defeat the rival and compete with each other, and see who is the most agile and with more skill in this game.

Killer Instinct offers us great gameplay and excellent graphics, undoubtedly the great attraction of this video game are the movements and spectacular attacks of each character that are unpredictable, combined with excellent sound effects in each scenario that fit perfectly to the rhythm of video game, his modality of play made it one of the most destructive fighting games of his time, since it offers us numerous special blows and a great possibility of incredible combos with a lot of depth, I catalog it the best fighting game that I have played , it will always be very special for me, below I will leave a link so that they can download it and can enjoy its ample gameplay.