This sounds like a really weird but cool game! I gave up playing video games some years ago but this almost makes me want to give it a go. In a weird way one of the most appealing things to me about it is the die and go back to the beginning part. I bet that makes things get really tense when you have made it pretty far. I am going to control the impulse I am having to download this because I would totally have to play it all the way through with all the characters and find all the items and experiment with all the combos, etc. There is a reason I gave up video games, they would suck me into all night trances far too easily.
This is one of the best game reviews I have read here on Steemit, thanks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive review of what sounds like one wacky and wild game! Following you :)
Much love - Carl
Yeah, if you're a completionist then this probably would drive you nuts, haha. I sunk in a pretty fair amount of hours into it, and I'm not one who feels the need to find everything in game. It can get to be pretty intense though for sure, the only other game that made me so tense about dying was Dark Souls, though I never felt the need to rage uninstall the game when I died like I did with Dark souls. So, yeah, lol.
Appreciate the very kind words, man! I try to do my best with all of my reviews and I'm glad a few people enjoy them! It really means a lot to me :)