Assassin's Creed Unity - Review [CLASSIC]

in #gaming4 years ago

ac unity.jpg

"A short leap"

Technical analysis summary

Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 6.5
Playability: 8.0
Longevity: 7.5
Impact: 8.0


  • A splendid digital Paris and beautiful character models
  • Solid parkour mechanics and animations
  • Improved combat system
  • A lot of content and side missions...


  • ...but not really enthralling
  • Bugs and Freezes
  • Sound effects are good, music is acceptable but... british voice actors for French characters?!
  • Poor story despite the interesting protagonists

Overall Verdict

7.5: AC Unity is a shy step forward in the AC series, full of interesting ideas but also with none of them fully realized. Half single player and half multiplayer, doesn't convince in any of them. Most of the players won't even try all of the aspects of the character customization nor the side activities of a big ,and we have to admit beautiful, computerized Paris.
Fans will miss the atmosphere of the old AC games but is admirable that Ubisoft actually tried to add something new to the formula, and true AC lovers will absolutely appreciate some new concepts. With a more engaging story it could have been a better game. All in all, an enjoyable game.

Played on PC

Steam Optimization as of 03/08/2021

At the time of the release, the game was full of game-crashing bugs. After a year of updates the game is more than playable but still needs some tuning to avoid certain unsolved bugs. The multiplayer never really worked properly (cutting what could have been a huge positive aspect of the game). Not a well optimized game.