How Did I Get On DTube Trending With My FIRST Post?!

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello again DTube! So my very first post here ended up on TRENDING! That is simply AMAZING! Thank you so much for the warm reception. From getting me on trending, to all the love and support in the comment section on that first video, I got to say I already feel right at home here. I honestly can't wait to start creating original, fun, entertaining content for this site!

It's incredible, being able to find a website like this now. With a great community and amazing possibilities. I didn't think anything else could ever come along like this, but here we are. So let's grow this platform together, because as a content creator, if I can help this platform grow, it can help me grow too!

I already love you guys, hope you all have an amazing weekend!

  • Wood

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▶️ DTube

lovely post @beatemups

Congratulations on the trending post, you are right this community is simply amazing

Loving it so much!

Same here, hope we can be friends

Congrats dear, keep up the good work

Thank you Wendie :)

Will dtube replace youtube? Congratulations on the trending post.

It's a tough mountain to climb, but this is the best chance I have seen anything have. By a long shot. The real chance I see for Dtube, is that it can actually COMPETE with Youtube in some form. I mean, I have 180k Subscribers and I am more than happy to be here. If we can spread the word to more creators? We could really have something here.

Congratulations for your trending post keep flying higher

Congrats. Although I guess it's the early adopters advantage really. It might get as hard as on YT if the platform grows.

Congrats on the trending post. I got here a few days ago and made over $250 in my first 3 days. The platform has it's advantages. But does stink you can't earn any money after 7 days. With videos it's nice to have them be longer lasting. Only 7 days will encourage people to do mostly topical posts.

congrats man you deserve it. can't wait to see what you come up with for content.

Congrats dude, This seems to really be a brilliant site! I find it hard to believe that you can just upload and interact, and get money for it with no ads! The positive side of crypto currency is really starting to show, I've been experimenting on BitChute, I can't wait to start experimenting on here!

I really hope this platform takes off. The Youtube demonetization and age-gating has been a HUGE pain. Pretty much instantly killed my channel and all I'm doing is playing scary games! Hence why I'm starting to upload here.

DTube is a fair place, it will beat YouTube real quick. We all love that we are here so early, before the big hype time :) Congrats and welcome to DTube.

That's not really shocking 'cause u're very familiar and nice to watch, with mostly youtuber's im just getting tired after 30seconds of watching, but u're absorbing me like sponge absorbing the water. Congrats pal!

Good content always deserve it. As usual you got trend your video. good job @beatemups

Congratulations bro Is there any specific techni. you follow ?
Congratulations again and keep going :)

Congratulations!! I’m also trying to become hot on dtube. Can I ask you to go and check my vlogs? I am desperate for constructive feedback from dtubers 😅😅

Congratulations on the trending post
Its no mistake, you're doing good work.

Congo man,keep it up the great work.

Congratulations.. keep up the great content..

Thanks bro... God bless you....

Congratulations! :)

Congratulations @beatemups, this post is the tenth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a User account holder (accounts that hold between 0.1 and 1.0 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by User account holders during this period was 3565 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $13362.03. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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@beatemups It's cause you rescued that kitten bro!

Congrats on getting to trending man! It's definitely exciting to be an early adopter of this new platform. We just got started on YouTube when they announced the new rules which was quite disheartening as we were a brand new channel. Now with this new platform everyone has the chance to be successful!

If you like gaming/humor videos give our channel a look too!

The trending on youtube is a joke! Found you from trending on here! Welcome! Subbed :3

I didn't have an account at the time, but welcome to the DTube, and congrats on trending! Pretty nifty to see our little community reward someone so new so nicely.

DTube looks promising indeed.

It is really frustrating,what gets on the youtube trending site...
And disgusting,how most of good content creators are offended by some keyboard warriors...
D-Tube is see is a good place.I don't see one hate comment.I hope it stays that way and people will go more reasonable here and use constructive critc(Hope i didnt mess up the english language ,if so excuse :D )

I'm just excited that it looks like we finally have something that has any chance in hell at competing with Youtube. For years they've been pretty much the only game in town due to the size of their userbase and name recognition. The comment section is usually either completely toxic or filled with posts from fake accounts trying to imitate the channel owner to get folks to click links to what I can only assume to be some kind of malware. Obviously, it's hard to say whether this platform will ever approach the userbase of the behemoth that Youtube has become, but even if it never does, I can't say that's honestly a bad thing. I suppose only time will tell. Anyway, congrats on the trending post. Hope to see more from you soon.

Dang Beatemups you got ME excited for this! Can't wait to see what this platform can do!

Congrats on the trending post! Trending here in general seems to be much more supportive of quality content rather than on YT.

I love Dtube and I just started....I haven''t had any trending post yet but I just love the people in this community

Welcome!!! Congrats!!! I watch you on youtube. I'm so glad to see you on here instead!! :) This is definitely the cool table. I'm hoping to start a home here also. I think this is the new community where to be. Woo Hoo!!

everything takes time guess have right topics its still in its infancy lots of exciting opertunities