Hello steemians meet again with me @auliasyuhada, And this time I'll post about the role and history of Hylos which is one of the Assasins hero’s on game “ Mobile Legend ", well I will also discuss about the Gear, Emblems and Battle Spell that suitable use on this hero in my next article, So just go ahead and begin the story of Hylos The Legend Centaur Rangers of the Fountain of Life
Halo steemians bertemu lagi dengan saya @auliasyuhada, dan kali ini saya akan posting tentang peran dan kisah Hylos yang merupakan salah satu hero Assasins dalam permainan "Mobile legend", baik saya juga akan membahas tentang Gear, Emblem dan Battle Spell yang cocok digunakan pada hero ini dalam artikel berikutnya, jadi tunggu apa lagi mari kita mulai kisah centaur dari fountain of life

Hylos is hero Mobile tanks in Legends who took the figure of a white belly with centaur sixpack. The Hylos may be owned by deep it takes about 32,000 BP (Battle Points) or the Diamonds 599 provided with 3 skill. Each of his skill can be very useful if utilized perfectly. A lot of the wrong player build this hero as a mage (a sacrifice YouTube) whereas damage hero is arguably very small unless damage from his 2nd skill stack, but in fact the enemy also would fool-fool sorely let himself get hit effect skill 2 Hylos keep, so keep this hero is much better as a tanker and support. Hylos can use HP to use Active skill when he ran out of Mana. The good news, he will not die and can still use the skill even though he does not have another HP Mana, but die if he receives damage. Hylos has good control effect of all skill him. The role of the Hylos splendid indeed become a powerful magnet for players.

How does? Hero that not only serve as tanks able to withstand the attack of the opponent's hero, but also as a mage so it can provide minimal attacks simply make Assassin, Mage or Support to withdraw. Hylos also has the ultimate with a very wide area to support a teammate. Not only that, it can also produce large amounts of damage with magic with a large area as well. He also has a fairly unique passive i.e. Add 1 max 1 max HP each which he got both of the items as well as the development of stat. Four-legged hero and role as the Magic Tank appears on the Mobile version of Legends. Released version itself is November 14, 2017, with a capacity of data must be downloaded by its users is 20 MB. Before discussing the skill of Hylos, it's good to know the attacks the Basic or basic attack of hero. Hylos has basic attacks are close range, thus, we cannot expect the hero has the ability to strike from a distance.

Battle spell the most suitable for the Hylos is Healing, Fury and Petrify.
1. Healing
Ideally use a Healing spell to improve blood and where critical time, as well as giving effect to heal around the team. The recommendations of the first spell that matched the Hylos is spell Healing Spell. Due to this spell will add 15% of the total blood blood and give it to a friend about Hylos.
2. Fury
The recommendation is subsequent spell Fury. Due to this spell will weaken the enemy's defenses, including improving the speed of an attack and to physical Attack 5525% for 5 seconds.\
3. Petrify
Use Petrify spell if you need CC more, battle spell it is suitable for combination withskill 2, as well as when the team war. For the emblem we can use Tanks or Magic emblems.
Hylos is great for fighting hero-hero here:
• Karina, Natalia, Balmond, Alucard, Bane, Layla, Eudora, Gord, Cyclops, Aurora, Vexana, Odette, Nana.
Hylos is quite weak against some hero follows:
• Karrie, Irithel, Harley, Fanny

Now we will discuss about the skill possessed by following Hylos
1. Thickened Blood
Thickened Blood is a passive skill that owned by the Hylos. If where is exhausted, then HP will become a tool for the exchange of such skill! A number of which are obtained from the Equipment and the Emblem will give HP a number of Hylos. every single point which items, then the hero will increase his HP as much as 1 point. When Where less, HP can be used to replace the Skill of using where.
2. Law and Order
Law and Order is a skill 1 owned by Hylos. When you use the skill, then an energy ball will appear with 300 ++ Magic Damage and stun effect to your opponent's herofor 1.2 seconds.
3. the Ring of Punishment
Ring of Punishment is a skill 2 owned by the Hylos. Unleash the power of Centaur to men Summon Ring of Punishment, which gives Magical Damage every second to the enemy and men Stack Warden's Fury, each Stack will reduce the Movement Speed and Attack Speed of enemies, and will increase the Damage of the Ring of Punishment.The skill will come out in the form of a great circle around Hylos. This resulted in 100 + rings + Magic Damage. Warden's Fury has a limit on the Stack. Ring of Punishment will continue to eat where when active.
4. Glorious Pathway
Glorious Pathway is the ultimate skill possessed by Hylos. When a skill is used, then it will appear a blue line. Hylos restore some% of max HP per second when it is above the road and be immune to Slow. Movement Speed friends 1 team will be increased if the above way, Movement Speed of the enemy above the road will decrease as the fight direction. When the Hylos are inside those lines then his HP will be regenerated by as much as 4% of line it will also give you an extra Movement Speed by as much as 60% for all team members and reduces 70% movement speed to the enemy.

Well now we will discuss about the most suitable items on this tanker hero
1. Clock of Destiny
The clock of Destiny is an item that is able to provide 60 + Magic Damage, the power of the blood + Where + 300 and 600.
2. Warrior Boots
Warrior Boots is items that are capable of providing Armor + 22 + 40 Movement speed.
3. Cursed Helmet
Cursed Helmet is items that are capable of delivering the power of Blood + 920 and Magic Resistance + 50. The uniqueness of this item is to give 1.5% of the total HP as magical per second to enemies and give that extra 50% damage to a minion.
4. the Dominance of the Ice
Dominance of the Ice is able to deliver items that Where 500 +, 70 + Armor and a reduction of critical + 5 Attack. The power of Blood + Where + 300 and 600. The uniqueness of this item is to weaken the movement of 5% and 10% attack speed for the enemy nearby. This item adds Magic Damage + 60,
5. Immortality
Immortality is an item that is capable of delivering the power of 800 + Blood and Magic Resistance + 40. The uniqueness of this item is when the Hylos die, she will in turn back but blood given only 15% of the total blood of Hylos. This item has a 3 minute Cooldown for reuse.

Well as strong as any hero they definitely has advantages and disadvantages so now we will discuss the advantages and kekuranagan owned Hylos
Hylos Advantages:
• Hero pusher & defender is good, its very nice ultimate skill used when push includes the turret defense tower.
• easy to use, this includes hero easily playable and pretty OP.
• Skill cc, hero tank is arguably the 11-12 with Tigreal, all skill have a good crowd control effects, skill can stun his 1 even though only a single target, its got 2 skill effects slow which can stack many times, skill ultimate too the effect of slow on enemies and increases movement speed of our team.
Hylos Deficiencies:
• Need cooperation, called anti-tank surely his duties as support, our duty is to use existing skill-skill as crowd control and hold agencies, therefore we need a compact team to maximize the potential of this hero.
• easily avoided, is indeed a theory skill 2 and ulti looks good, but in practice this skill-skill easily once avoided mainly the same hero who had skill dash/escape.
• where very wasteful, since we would often skill 2 throughout the game, the hero is very wasteful circumstance where, therefore if there is a chance it could try to grab the opponent's buff.

Well after we discuss about the Hylos I will share how to tip and trick the Hero used the Hylos
Tips tricks & hero guide Hylos:
• do not pull out the ultimate moment blood is still full, use after the blood is already reduced in half so that the effect of heal from longer-with the ultimate maximum.
• do not spend where use skill 2 for farming, simply stack 3-5 times (2 skills) and the rest use basic attack + skill 1 for Use help skill 1 (stun) If an enemy managed to escape when we attacked with skill 2.
• Sometimes there is also a player that is not skill level 2 or skill 1first (so that the where wasteful), due to the effects of a slow and reduce attack speed of 2 remains the same in all skill levels, even though the damage so much smaller but the upside is we can spam more frequently without having to run out of mana.
• do not waste skill 2 on enemies that have high mechanism such as Fanny, Harley,and Irithel, because the ends are just a waste of mana and HP.
• use the ultimate skill to push tower, tower def, pursuing the enemy who escaped, including to assist the team escaped from the pursuit of the enemy.
How to use:
Take note of the position and the exact time When want to War
This should be noted by all the hero include Hylos. By the time the fitting or the right position at the time of war can be profitable. However, in this case you have to really know when time is fit for war group or individual.Be a protector for a friend
With a defense that owned a pretty powerful Hylos. This hero can to be protective when chased by the enemy. Building with skill that can stun and slow the movement of enemy hero can be a bulwark in future.Expand Farming
Every hero indeed in all require to expand farming, especially for hero fighter, assassin, marksman even tanks. Farming can you do in the lane but, if in the lane you can not due to the disruption in farming by the enemy, you could either farming in the jungle by killing monsters – the forest monsters.
That way you will never lose a hero with level farming in the lane. However, you do not fall asleep with most farming. You should also pay attention to the turret too well.

We have already discussed about the role, items, skills, strengths owned Hylos. And certainly now curious how steemian life story of Hylos, so we simplyrefer to this following story
Hylos is a centaur who became a legend in the Land of Dawn. According to myth, the fountain gives life to anyone who drinks the water. House of Dark Force many times trying to get the strength they found the fountain of water but their efforts were in vain because it is always foiled by the strength of the centaur. The centaur was tasked to protect a fountain (pond) which is located at the Summit of the highest mountain Fountain of Life. Hylos centaur Rangers fountain that is powerful and his name became a legend around the Land of Dawn.
There is an ancient and mysterious race who lived there, namely the centaur among the Misty Mountains are located in the far north side of the Land of Dawn. Over time, the centaur began to fatigue. The opportunity was taken by the Dark Force to attack and do battle. The strength of those almost taken fountain, until it finally comes a powerful centaur, the Hylos. He uses all his strength that comes from the anger of nature to repelling and punishing intruders who entered the area. Hylos became a figure of legend known throughout the Land of Dawn After the incident. No wonder figure of Hylos became very strong. He can beat up any intruder who tried to enter the fountain of life.
Well that's the whole story of Hylos, and for the next article I will discuss about some of the skills that we can use in a playing Mobile Legend and also I will discuss about Gear, emblems, and a Battle Spell that matches if you use this hero. Hope all of you can be entertained and can get more knowledge by reading my article, The last i say thank you very much

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