
Moreover it has the best graphics and theme against all other MOBA-s

One advantage you missed about elevated terrain is that in addition to having vision over lower terrain, ranged heroes on lower terrain gain an accuracy penalty when fighting heroes that are on elevated terrain. So basically if


I do not think it was an advantage, on the contrary, they improved it

I think you misunderstood what I mean. I meant that ranged heroes that are on lower ground have a 25% chance to miss heroes that are on higher ground. So it's disadvantageous for ranged heroes to fight heroes that are on ground higher than they are.

Seems much better than LOL, with much better item selection. But, might take a while to learn things...

Yeah there is alot to learn as a new player, but once you play you will spend years on it lol Good and bad

Seems a lot different than any of the other moba games that's out there. 4 extra towers in a moba game? Unheard of. I've played league for about a year and a half. I'm enjoying paragon a ton. I tried's decent. In your opinion, why should I try this game out?

Because, it follows practically the history of the heroes of the dota 1 the first one in this genre


I must say I have not devoted as much time to Dota as it deserves. I invested more hours into League and climbing the ladder there. It's a shame really.

One thing that bothers me about the MOBA communities is how much animosity there is between them. League players hate Dota, Dota players hate League, Smite players hate the other two and the other two hate Smite......

I just don't understand it. XD I personally found Smite quite challenging. It's a game worthy of respect. Dota is quite difficult to get into as well. But so is League for a lot of people I know. And there are people that just cannot get used to the League mechanics.

It's just interesting how different people perceive things differently.