The Idol Group phenomenon does sometimes have various controversies, especially in events where members can meet with fans directly. It does provide an opportunity for fans to reward their idols, but many also take advantage of these moments to perform less beautiful acts, such as giving a gift of threatening letters and even trying to cut their idol hand with a saw.
An idol group by the name of Batten Showjo-tai, recently created a new rule that forbids his fans to send gifts to their idols. Manager of the idol group, Satoshi Kojin said that it was announced because most of the group members are aged 14 to 18 years and feared that expensive gifts will affect their mental development.
Kojin but said fans should not worry because fans can still send messages to their idols. Indeed, it is controversial because some fans are so unable to devote their desire to send their gift to their idol. What do you think?
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